Chapter Twelve

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Jaime's P.O.V

"is there anything I can do?" i asked concerned.

She shook her head again. I wast really sure how do do it but I put my hand on her forehead to check her temperature but I wasn't sure what I was doing.

"do you have a thermometer or something cause I'm not sure how this whole hand to your forehead thing works," I said. she smiled weakly.

"there should be one in the bathroom behind the opening mirror thing," she said.

I walked out of the room to find the thermometer when I heard a huge clunk like something got the floor. when I ran back into the room Olivia was lying limp on the floor. fear ran through me.

I shook her. "come on, get up," I said. she didn't move. I checked her pulse as best as I could. it was barely there. as quickly as I could I pulled out my phone to call 911. they should be here soon.

Two paramedics came into the room and picked Olivia up and put her onto a stretcher. I followed them into the ambulance.

"what's your relation to her?" the medic asked while frantically running around the small space putting clear mask on her.

"I'm her boyfriend," I said.

"alright. once we get to the hospital you'll have to wait in the waiting room. I suggest you call family members and friends then," she said.

I stared at Olivia's tan sickly green looking face. what's even going on?

Once we arrived at the hospital some nurses directed me to the waiting room where I called Vic, mike and tony as well as Carrie, Olivia's dad an my mom. Everyone was here with in 20 minutes.

I was sitting in the waiting room chair staring at the floor with My mom and Olivia's dad sitting on one side I me and the rest of everyone sitting on the other side of me.

"she's gonna be fine," Mama assured me.

I gave a small nod but didn't say a word.


It had been several, several hours since Olivia went into the back room with the nurses and doctors.

"Mr. Almendarez?" a doctor asked.

Olivia's dad jumped up and ran over too him. The doctor and him left through the door they had taken Olivia through.

I ran after them. "wait!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry, kid. family members only," the doctor said disappearing with Mr. Almendarez

I sat back down in my chair and waited some more. this was maddening.

about 15 minutes later Mr. Almendarez reappeared with tears in his eyes. I jumped back up and nearly tackled.

"what's going on?" I asked frantically.

"she isn't good. you'll be aloud to see her in a bit. but she's very very sick. she has been since she was a baby but the chances of this happening were slim," he said.

"the chances of what?" I asked.

"the cancer coming back," he said grimly.

"did she know?" I asked.

Mr. Almendarez shook his head. "she didn't know. I didn't see a reason to tell her about it. they supposedly got all the liquid from her lungs out wen she was born. there wasn't a thing she could do about it anyways," he said crying.

I cursed under my breath but did my best to keep my cool.

"one person at a time, please," the doctor said allowing me to follow him into the room where Olivia laid in her bed.

Terrible Things *Jaime Preciado*Where stories live. Discover now