Chapter 1 The Move/Trip to the Principal's office

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Hey yo Buddyos
This is my third book and it's based on the song Music Sounds Better With You like what it says on the cover (is it a nice cover?, I hope so). I'll be working on this when my partner hasn't revised the other story I'm currently working on so you have like something to read while it's still not yet updated. So I hope you like the first two chapters and not give up on it easily because it's gonna be a good owhile it goes on, I can feel it.

Warning: Slow update because of SCHOOL


My name is Melody, I'm 18 years old and I am about to experience one of the worst days of my life, MOVING DAY.

"UGH do we really have to move??" I complained to my dad carrying my last box of things out of my room and placed it on the floor.

"It's not that bad" My dad said patting my shoulder then walked away.

"But.......Dad" I said following his direction "I don't want to move!!!!"

"Why not dear?" My mom said from the kitchen.

"Because nobody likes me in school and if we move I have to experience the whole thing again, and I love my school, and our house"

"Well you will love our new house, you will love your new school, and people will like you if you at least try socializing with them" My mom said trying to find the keys.

"But you know that's not easy for me. I'm a really shy person. I only made one friend in RiverBank High, and I don't know if she is even considered a friend" I complained once more.

"Well you have to at least try because wether you like it or not we are moving because my new and better job is there" My dad said "Now go get dressed and when your ready bring your last box into the car" I nodded and did what I was told, like I have a choice?

I was so sad that I was leaving. I know I haven't made a lot friends in RiverBank High but I'm gonna miss my school, the teachers, oh especially the school's food. Also I'm gonna miss our house, I love how our garden has a lot of trees, flowers, and how it's so clean, but I just love our whole house in total., it hold a lot of memories. After I got dressed I look at my room one last time and closed the lights, and closed the door behind me. I toured the whole house like I'm saying goodbye to it in silence.

"MELODY!!, what's taking so long??? hurry up!!" My dad yelled from the car.

"Coming!" I said getting my last box of things from the floor. I was about to leave when I noticed somethings missing, Toby

"Toby, come on let's go boy" I said calling his name. I looked for him and he was under the couch, his favorite thing in the house.

"Come on boy, it's time to go" I said patting my lap. He left the couch slowly and walked with me sadly out the door "I know I don't want to leave either but we have to" I said while walking out of the house.

"What took you so long??" My mom asked.

"I just got Toby" I said putting my box in the trunk then closed it. Looked at the moving truck, then I got Toby and carried him into the car.

"Stupid dogs why do they have to be so slow" My dad said. I quickly covered my dogs ears.

"Dad, you know they can hear you" I said, he rolled his eyes and started the engine "Don't worry boy that's not true" I said patting it's fur.

"Where are the other stuff?" I asked.

"Oh they're in the Moving truck, they will arrive somewhere near night time already" My mom said

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