Chapter 7 Shopping, Hanging out, A Few Changes

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Hey yo Buddyos

Sorry if the new chapter is long

And the first part is kind of long too

Hope you still enjoy it too! :)

-----------Morning (9:38am)---------------

(Melody's P.O.V)


My alarm clock woke me up, of course it's it's job. I literally jumped out of bed and brought Toby down stairs so we can eat break fast. I slowly ate my break fast and read the news paper.

"Good morning" My mom said sitting beside me.

"Good morning" I said not taking my eyes of the news paper.

"Ummm what do you say we do something today before you go to your practice?" My mom asked me.

"Oh" I said putting down the news paper "I was planning to practice singing"

"Ugh, why do you always do that? Why don't you rather study your lessons in advance?" My mom asked annoyed. Maybe I can tell her the news by breaking it down bit by bit, in a way where she realizes how much I love music and singing.

"Because I already told you before, that Music, and especially singing is my passion, and I would never get tired of that. I mean everyone can study in advance but I choose not to do it because I already study really hard to get in to a college I want in the future, and I think that's good enough for me" I said sincerely

"I see" My mom said.

"I see, that's all you're gonna say?!" I asked.

"Yeah, plus I still don't see why you would choose that over more knowledge" My mom said. I can't believe she said that!!, this is going to be harder than I thought.

"Anyway, come on. You never spend time with me anymore" My mom said.

"Fine, what are we going to do?" I asked.

".......SHOPPING!" She yelled.

"UGH mom no! please!" I pleaded. Shopping with my mom is..........well.........I hate it! Anything but this please! She has this bad habit asking the saleslady or the people who sell the items to make the prices lower and she won't stop until she gets what she wants. It's a scary sight I tell you. In addition to this argument, she buys to much clothes!

"Sorry you agreed" My mom said grabbing the car keys.

"But you didn't say what we were gonna do before I agreed anyways" I said crossing my arms.

"Well sorry you're going with me wether you like it, or not" She said. I had no choice but to follow her. Well look at the bright side, maybe we can eat lunch out. After I ate my  breakfast I slowly went to my room to dress up. I just wore what I usually wear in school, I brought my favorite jacket and slowly went down stairs then I entered the car sadly.

"Ready?" My mom asked.

"YEAH" I said sarcastically.

"Great" My mom said and she started to drive. I slumped down on my seat and sighed really loud so that my mom would hear it.

-----------In the mall---------------

"So where do we go first?" My mom said looking at the shops surrounding us "Oooh let's go here first" She grabbed my hand and excitedly looked at all the clothes and randomly smiled at random people like she's known them for years.

She already picked out like 5 shirts and 5 new pants to try on. She told me to hold these while she tries them on one by one. So I stood outside her dressing room while holding her soon-to-be-bought clothes. As she tried them on, I suddenly spotted a really beautiful dress on a manequin.

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