Chapter 14 A Brilliant idea, A shocking apology,Promposal

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Hey Yo Buddyos

Here's the next chapter

I would like to dedicate this chapter to MNBtrFan111

For being a loyal reader for this fan-fic and liking almost all the previous chapters

Now, Lettuce get on with it



(Kendall's P.O.V)

"Dude?! DUDE!! Come on tell us already" Carlos yelled. I bolted straight up after he said that. I guess I spaced out a little.

"Sorry" I said clearing my throat and sitting down properly this time "Okay, what did you ask me again?" I asked.

"How did it go??!!" Logan repeated.

"Wait before he answers your question, tell us what you guys did" James said.

"Alright, I took her on a ship, ate dinner, watched A walk to remember, then I took her home" I said.

"Woah, you took her on a ship??!!" Logan looked surprised.

"Romantic isn't it?" I said proud of myself, and they nodded, but my smile slowly faded away.

"So now how did it go?" Logan repeated once more.

"It was super amazing and romantic at first...........but ended, with a shock" I said.

"Okay, so..........did you tell her?" Carlos asked me.

"Yeah" I said shuffling my feet.

"And............????!!!!" They said together.

"She said: I love you too buddy, you're the best friend I ever had" I said in Melody's voice. They all gasped at the same time.

"Dude, you've been friend-zoned" Logan said still totally shocked.

"I know!!!" I said leaning back on my chair and looking at the ceiling.

"I guess she thought it as a friendly way" Carlos said.

"That's what I said when she told me that" I said throwing my hands in the air kind of frustrated like. Why am I so upset??!! I guess my love for her was just to strong that I am mad that she thought it was just a friendly thing.

"You know, you still have a chance" James said "Just keep trying, Kendizzle"

"Okay who thought of that nickname?" I asked, annoyed. None of the guys said anything "Fine, then what do you suggest I do?" I asked. After I said that all the guys started to put their thinking faces on. I waited for like 5 minutes and they were all still thinking.

"Well?" I asked.

"Nothing" Logan said.

"Nothing" James said.

"Nada" Carlos said which I know in Spanish is for "nothing" I sighed in frustration.

"Don't worry, we'll think of something tomorrow, maybe at lunch" Logan said "I'm going to sleep now, I'm really tired, good night" and he logged off.

"Yeah me too, good night" Carlos said and did the same. James leaned closer and looked at me in the camera.

"There's always a chance Kendall" He said with my real name now "Don't loose hope buddy, good night" and he logged off too. After everyone left I closed my laptop, changed, and collapsed on my bed. I really hope one day she will realize how much I love her, not as a friend, but more than that. I closed my eyes and slept.

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