Chapter 15 Preparing for Prom: Day 1

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Hey Yo Buddyos!!!!

Here's my next chapter

I'm dedicating this to Parokshee because she started reading this book and I'm happy she liked some of my chapters and commented on this, it means a lot.

Anyway hope you like it

and donut worry I'll shut up now so you could read.

Enjoy XD

---------------(Morning 9:00AM)-----------------

(Melody's P.O.V)

Saturday morning, I love Saturday Mornings the best. Especially when you wake up with out anything to worry about, but the problem is........I HAVE SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT! I need to buy a dress, and I need to learn how to dance for Monday night, but.......HOW?! Okay so I have like 3 days before Prom, I can do this. There is plenty of time to do all of this. Anyway thinking about this is making me hungry, even if it was just for a second, so I immediately ran down stairs and got ready to eat breakfast.

"Hey Sweetie" Mom said.

"Good morning mom" I said "Hey can I ask for some money?"

"What for" My dad said sitting down beside me with a newspaper.

"Umm......I need to buy a new.......dress" I said.

"Awwwwww, is this prom?" My mom asked and I nodded "So who asked you?" She asked and my dad stopped reading to listen to the conversation.

"Kendall" I said.

"I remember my first prom" My dad said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah because I spent it with the most wonderful and beautiful girl ever" My dad said and winked at my mom. With that I realized my dad took mom to the prom.

"How did you ask mom?" I asked dad.

"It was a wonderful tuesday night, I took her out for chinese food because she loves chinese food" Dad said.

"I still do" My mom said joining in dad's story "Then after dinner, he told me to close my eyes and I followed him to a hill"

"And then.........." He said continuing the story "I told her to open them and when she opened them I spelled PROM? with rose petals on the grass and asked her"

"And of course I said "yes" " My mom said. After that my dad and mom started starring at each other all lovey-dovey and giving each other googley eyes and it's kind of making me feel "icky" I don't know why?

"Okaaaaaaaaaaaay so can I? please?" I asked. My Dad brought out his wallet and handed me some cash.

"Here you go, give the change back if there is any" My dad said. I got the cash from him and gave him  a big big hug.

"Thank you thank you thank you thank you" I said

"Okay okay" My dad telling me to let go. I finished the rest of my breakfast and ran up stairs. Then I sat down on my chair and started to think. So I'm going to buy a dress today at the mall and learn how to dance maybe in youtube again. So I need to find a ride, I could ask my dad to drive me there. I was going to go straight down stairs again but then my phone beeped all of a sudden and I got a text message from Logan.

Logan: Hey Melody, go to skype now. We want to talk to you

I immediately went to skype, but I don't even know his username. So I just left it on there while I texted him but then all of a sudden something popped up. I looked at it, that must be his username. I clicked on it and heard ---------

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