Chapter 6 Lyrics, Shocking News

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Here's my new chapter

Chapter 6



(Melody's P.O.V)

I woke up startled because I figured out Toby was now sleeping on my stomach. I smiled at him and petted him on the back.

"Good morning, boy" I said, he looked at me and and went back to sleep. I slowly went up and removed Toby off me. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my alarm clock.

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! it's 1:30pm!!!, it's not morning anymore!!!. I quickly jumped out of bed. I can't believe I slept in, it's not normal for me to wake up this late, even after watching a movie. I took a quick shower, and quickly changed. Then I went down stairs went down stairs to eat brea--- I mean lunch.

"You woke up late I see" Mom said placing the food on the table.

"Yeah" I said instantly getting food after she placed it on the table, I'm starving. My mom gave me a 'Your a lday, control yourself' look. Well sorry forgive me mother, your daughter is starving here. Plus, I'm in a hurry. I don't want to be disrespectful if I come late.

"Anywayyyy" She said "Where are you going again?"

"Kendall's house remember? we're going to practice" I said quickly eating my food

"Remember be back before 6pm or at 6pm, clear?" She asked.

"Crystal" I replied, still quickly eating my food. Surprisingly, I was able to finish my food really fast "Hey mom where's dad?" I asked noticing his absence.

"He's at work dear, be safe" She said.

"Bye" I said and closed the door behind me. I walked briskly to Kendall's house, well after a while I started taking my time because my stomach started to hurt. It was 1:58pm, so after my stomach felt a little better, I continued to walk briskly. Finally, I arrived at his house. I knocked on the door.

(Kendall's P.O.V)

Yay Melody's here. I jumped up from the couch and quickly opened the door for her.

"Heeeeey Melody" I said putting my arm on the door post very cool like.

"Hey Kendall" She said noticing my arm on the door post, she looked weirded out and then she looked at me "May I come in?" she smiled at me.

"Of course" I said. She stepped inside, I was so happy that I accidently tripped on my own shoe, and I fell.

"Chocolate Llamas! are you alright Kendall?" She said covering her mouth with her hands.

"IIiii'm fiine" I said a little hurt from my fall. Do I really have to make a fool of myself around her?, she pulled me up and I thanked her.

"You know you should really be careful" She said and let out a small laugh when she knew I was okay "I think you should rest on that couch for a while before we start"

"Good idea" I said giving and apolagetic laugh. I massaged my legs so a part of the pain goes away.

"So have you thought of a song yet?" I asked, She shook her head sady "Me either" I looked up at the sky, then started to stare at her while smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked in a joke tone, she probably noticed me staring at her.

"I'm just happy you're you know umm practice" I lied.

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