Chapter 20 Preparing for Prom Day 3: The Day

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AHHHHH BUDDYOS This is it!!!!

Sorry if there are a lot of P.O.V changes here.

Hopefully this will make up for the last chapter.

If you guys didn't like it, the next one will be good, hopefully



(Melody's P.O.V)


I woke up, and just starred at the ceiling. Today's the........Day. The Day I've been preparing for, for the past 3 days, PROM!

"Good morning Toby, guess what? Prom is today" I said petting him. He opened his eyes to look at me but closed it again. Guess he wanted to be left alone. I literally jumped out of bed and spun around the room, which I found weird. Maybe because I'm going with Kendall. Ahhh Kendall, just thinking about him makes me squeal inside.

I washed my face and went downstairs to eat breakfast. I realized my mom and dad weren't there again. I went back up and got Toby to sit on my dad's seat, let's just say he didn't like it when I brought him down because he growled. Then I sat beside him. There's no way I'm eating alone, I'm not used to it. I ate my breakfast and carried Toby to my room. I sat down on my bed and Abigail called me. I decided to call her again.

Abigail: Hello?

Me: Yo This is Melody, you called?

Abigail: Oh yeah I did. I just came to tell you it's PROM DAY TODAY

She screamed through the phone


Abigail: I'm so excited!!!

Me: Because............your going with Jaaaaaames?

I said James really slow like. It was silent for a while on the other line. I have a feeling she has a crush on him.

Abigail: How about you and Keeeeendall

She said Kendall slowly like me. I blushed by the name.

Abigail: Oh Melody, can you help me do my hair and make-up?

Me: Oh of course. Come here around 2pm?

Abigail: Yay sounds great. Thanks.

Me: No Prob, I'll text you the address. See yah buddy

Abigail: See you buddy

Then she hung up. I texted her my address and threw my phone on my bed and sat down on my chair to use the internet. But after, not even a second, my phone beeped. I sighed because I just I just sat down and threw my phone on my bed. LAZINESS right there. I stood up and checked who texted me, it was Kendall.

Kendall: Hey Melody, can't wait to see you!!.........especially because you'll be in a dress ;) I'll pick you up around 5:00pm

I smiled and replied.

Me: Sounds great. See you then.

And clicked sent.


DING DONG I ran down stairs.

"Hey Melody" Abigail said.

"Hey Abigail" I said. Surprisingly she gave me a hug. Then I let her in and we went upstairs and I sat her down on a chair, in front of my huge mirror.

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