Chapter 24 Music Sounds Better With You, You're What?!

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Hey Yo Buddyos

Miss meh?

OH MY RUSH I loved writing this chapter


So the song is Music Sounds better with you since you know-------

Wait I'll shut up, I might tell you guys before you even read it.

Anyway I was listening to it again and again. I also watched the video, oh good times. I kind of wanted to be one of their back-up dancers in the music video or maybe be Logan's girl there.

AWWWWWWWWW That would be so so NICE!! AHHHHH

Anyway enough with the fangirling

Enjoy reading!! XD


(Melody's P.O.V)

After I hung up my phone and finished my ice cream, I decided to pack a few things. Well we're not moving in two more days, but tomorrow is my last day in school because the next morning after that, I'll be moving. So I got up and got a few boxes from down stairs and brought it back up to pack. I decided to pack my clothes first since I have the most of them. This packing stuff ain't easy especially when your dog is stopping you.

"Toby, Toby, please give me back my pants" I said as I tried getting my pants from Toby which he had in his mouth. We had a man vs dog tug of war. Then after that my pants ripped.

"UGH Look what you made me do!" I shouted at Toby. Then he layed down and placed his paws on his eyes. I knelt down petted him.

"Sorry Toby, I don't want to move either but we have no choice" I said. He stood up and he started to lick my hand, which is a sign that he forgives me. After I got my ripped pants, I realized something diffent.....................all of my instruments are GONE. When I mean all of them, I mean ALL OF THEM, no more, NADA! AY Karamba! I can't believe they were serious. How could my parents do that to me? I thought parents want they're children to be happy. They are taking away my life, my joy just because THEY'RE VOICES CRACKED? I mean I understand but really? Past is the past? That is why we always have tomorrow to fix it.

After packing all my clothes, it was already dinner time. I went down stairs and saw dad and mom already there. It was very awkward because none of us were talking to one another. I guess they are still mad at me for what I did *long dramatic sigh* After eating dinner, I went back up stairs and got ready for bed. I got in my favorite PJ'S and got in to bed and placed Toby beside me.

I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about Kendall. I remembered a few hours a go I sang Jar of Hearts to him. After the song he looked really sad, I just wanted him to know that I was really hurt, even though I didn't mean to make him sad.

I should have forgotten him by now could I forget him if he was the one who changed me, the only guy who was really sweet to me, and the only guy that made me feel special and loved me for who I am. I wish I could be with him, my lips against his, his arms around me comforting me but no. Besides, he deserves better than me anyway. A tear rolled down my cheek and I decided to call it a night. I slowly closed my eyes and slept. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

-----------(Morning 8:30AM)------------

My alarm clock rang, I paused it and rubbed my eyes. Well last day of school, well for me that is. I got out of bed, which hopefully didn't wake up Toby which I realized he gets grumpy in the morning. I got dressed for school, ate my breakfast and left the house.

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