Chapter 26 One more song, A Question

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Hey yo Buddyos

So I was able to update it already because there was no school today. It's all because of a typhoon. Please pray for the Philippines, we could really use your prayers right now.

So.........this is the last chapter. I am really sorry if the reasons are weird though like the plot, and the ideas, stuff like that because I am not really good in those kind of stuff haha. Also forgive my grammar, I'm working on it.

Okay that's allEnjoy!!!! ;)

P.S Oh and thanks for reading. This chapter is dedicated to everyone. Sadly I don't know how to dedicate it to everyone.

Okay okay serious now. ENJOY!!


(Melody's P.O.V)

I've been running as fast as I can going back home, because my mom and dad might get mad at me, and I can't let that happen again. As I was running back home, I can't help but smile at what just happened. I never expected it, I mean I did but I never knew it would actually happen. Ha especially the feeling, I still feel it until now as I run home. As I reached the front door, I immediately went in and shut the door behind me.

"Where have you been??!!" My mom said as I entered with her hands on her hips. Great, just what I needed.

"Uuhhhhh in School" I said stating the obvious.

"Yeah but you were 20 minutes later than usual" My dad said, joining in the conversation. Wow he actually counted.

"What were you doing??!!" My mom asked crossing her arms this time. I should leave the part where Kendall kissed me because......they might get mad at Kendall too.

"I cleared my locker and said good bye to my friends" I said cutting the story short.

"Huh that long? I'm not buying it" My mom said raising an eybrow.

"Well it's my last day. Can't I just spend it the way I want to spend it? You guys already took away the things I love, even though I apologized. I can't have my last day of school all to myself?" I said getting annoyed.

"You watch your tongue young lady" My dad said pointing at my mouth "Go to your room right now and finish packing" My dad ordered, and I did just that. I went in my room I grabbed my other empty boxes and started to dump my other things in it. I don't really care if it was messy, which is unusual because I am usually a neat person. Since I'm leaving everything behind AGAIN, I lost the will to pack neatly. Toby was cooperating now than before. I guess he realized that there is nothing that can stop me from packing. In the middle of packing I got a call from Logan. I answered him.

Logan: Hey Melody, ummm just wanted to know if your dad sang a song to your mom before like maybe in their wedding? or to confess his love to her?, if you know what I mean?

Logan was talking to fast that I almost didn't understand him. Plus, I don't really know why he's asking this but I decided to tell him anyway.

Me: Ummm yeah Reaching out to you by Gary Valenciano. Why?

Logan: Sorry got to go bye!!!

He said

Me: Logan WAIT!!

But he already hung up. Why does he need to know? and why was he in a hurry?

Then all of a sudden, I got a skype call. I answered it and saw that it was Abigail, Emily and Patricia. I answered the call.

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