Chapter 23 Songs, Depression, A phone call

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Hey Yo Buddyos!!!!!

Behold, the next chapter.

I almost cried while writing this so grab another box of tissue.

If you weren't close to crying, that means I'm just an emotional writer.



(Melody's P.O.V)

After I ate my lunch I decided to take a walk. I stood up and walked slowly down the hall way. Then I passed by the club board. I remember the time when me and the guys were here to check out if we got in or not. And the way that Kendall got mad at Sammantha for knocking me down, those were good times. But good times don't last long :( So I checked the music club part if there were any announcements, it turns out there was.

Attention Music Club Members,

                           Meet me in the music room after school today. I'm going to announce who won best performance. DON'T BE LATE. Thank you

                                                          -Mr. Smith

It would be nice to get that A+. I went back in the cafeteria and looked at the guys table, they were still there, and I think they have no idea that we have a meeting today. So I got my phone out and texted Logan telling him that we have a meeting today after school.

(A/N I know other school's arent' allowed to use their phones during breaks, but let's just say this school does okay :) )

(Kendall's P.O.V)

We were just sitting there not talking until Logan's phone beeped. Logan took out his phone and read his text.

"What does it say" Carlos said trying to read it.

"It's from Melody" Logan said. My heart dropped when I heard her name "She said we have a meeting later in the music club after school and we shouldn't be late" He said and he quickly replied. It's sad she still isn't talking to me, she's just sending texts instead of telling us herself.

"Noted" He said and he sent his message. He gave a thumbs up at Melody from the other side of the cafeteria, and she gave him one back which made me a little jealous. Then I heard the bell ring and it was time to go back to class.

-----------After school-----------

The bell rang, I instantly got up and briskly walked to the music room. Some people were already there, also the guys were already. I sat down beside them. Then one by one people came in, the last one who entered was Melody. I just starred at her hopefully she will forgive me. She looked at me then looked for a place to sit. The only seat availavle was the one in front of me, she has no choice. She kept her head down low and she walked towards the only available chair.

"Hey Melody" James said and he rubbed her shoulder.

"Hey James" She said and gave a small smile. She also greeted Carlos and Logan. She looked at me and I could still see the hurt look in her eyes, then she looked away. Then after that Mr. Smith came in the classroom.

"Good afternoon class, good your all early" Mr. SMith smiled and placed his things down. We stood up and greeted him, then sat back down.

"'s time to announce who won the best performance which means automatic A+ for their grade" Mr. Smith said. I don't know why the grading system is like that anyway, I think everybody deserves an A+ because they were all so good. Oh well I'm not the teacher. Besides, at least it's an automatic A+ so you already know what you're gonna get.

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