Chapter 10

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"Best friend!" I yell, hugging Greyson. He laughs and hugs back, smiling.

"I missed you." He mumbles. I snuggle into him, smiling. Issa had to leave for a few days because one of his cousins passed away.

"I missed you too, Grey." I giggle. He puts me down and I lay on my bed.

"I'm nervous, Greyson..." I mumble.

"How come?" He asks, laying next to me.

"What if he's cheating?" I ask softly.

"If he's cheating I will best the living shit out of him. But I don't think he is. What kind of sick person lies about a funeral and then cheats too?" Greyson smiles.

"You're right, I'm just scared of losing people, ya know?" I say softly.

"Yeah, I do." He smiles. My phone rings and I groan, answering it.

"Greyson's whore house you go the dough we got the hoe. How may I help you?" I answer.

"Hey cutie." Issa laughs. I giggle softly and smile.

"Hey Eesh, did you make it there alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, I really miss you already. Are you doing alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm staying with Greyson until you get home." I tell him.

"In his whore house? Nuh uh sweetheart." He jokes.

"Yep. Too bad." I laugh out.

"HI ISSA!" Greyson screams.

"Grey what the fuck?" I whine. He smiles and hugs me.

"That hurt my ears too." Issa groans.

"Come home soon?" I ask him.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll pick you up then and take you out for breakfast?" He asks.

"Sounds good, babycakes." I tell him.

"Okay, I'll text you later, lovebug." He tells me and I end the call.

"Babycakes?" Greyson laughs. 6

"Shut up... I like it and he does too..." I pout.

"I'm only teasing." He chuckles. I yawn and stretch.

"It's only 6:30 and I'm tired..." I sigh.

"Then sleep." Greyson laughs. I nod and snuggle close, kissing his cheek.

"Night, cuddle buddy." I mumble.

"Night, Lynne." He mumbles back.


"Hey there, beautiful." Issa says happily. I'm in the car, and he's smiling at me.

"Hey, babycakes." I yawn. He kisses my lips quickly before looking back at the road.

"I missed you a lot, it's hard to sleep without you." He tells me, holding my hands.

"I missed you too. I-I... I got nervous because you were so far away a-and thoughts filled my head.." I mumble.

"Thoughts of what, lovebug?" He asks.

"Y-you lying and just going somewhere to cheat..." I say almost silently. He pulls the car over, turning my head to look at him.

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