Chapter 4: The Zoo

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I walk next to Harry in the snake enclosure, feeling happier than I have in a long time. Uncle Vernon actually bought us ice cream, well, not his choice but still, and I've seen a lot of interesting animals.

We stop next to a particularly vicious looking snake, but it's sleeping.
And of course Dudley didn't like that.
He raps on the glass, even when a sign nearby says not to. 'Daddy, make it move!'

I feel bad for the poor snake.

Uncle Vernon raps loudly on the glass, causing people to look his way, scandalised.
'Stop that!' One person even hisses to him, causing Uncle Vernon's face to turn pink.
'Come on Dudley, let's go,' he says, ignoring Dudley's protests to stay longer.  Piers and Aunt Petunia follow along behind them.

I however, along with Harry, stay to look at the snake.  The way it looks, so majestic....I just feel like we're connected, somehow.  Harry feels that way too, I can tell by the way he's looking at the snake.
'Sorry about him,' Harry suddenly whispers.  'He's just a prat.'
I elbow Harry, frowning.

'Don't talk to the snake,' I whisper.
'I get that all the time,' the snake says.
I jump back.
'What do you get all the time,' Harry asks it, ignoring me, his face intrigued.  'People saying don't talk to the snake or...'
'The other thing,' the snake answers.  It's sitting up now, it's head torward us.

'Have you ever...lived a life without this?' I ask tentatively.
The snake jerks it's head torward the sign on the glass.
Bred in captivity.
'I'm sorry,' I say, and the snake seems to smile.

Then Dudley pushes past Harry and I, knocking us both to the ground.
'Mum, Dad, come look,' he shouts.  'The snake's awake!' 
He pushes his hands against the glass.

Lying on the ground, I feel an intense anger sweep through my body, and all of a sudden the glass disappears.
And Dudley falls into the snake enclosure. He spits water out of his mouth and tries to get back out, until he realises who's in there with him, and he screams.

Aunt Petunia runs over to him, Uncle Vernon and Piers close behind.
'Don't panic darling,' says Aunt Petunia, looking frightened.
The snake crawls past him and out of the enclosure.

And that's when everyone panics.
People scream and try to get out of the way, calling for help.
Well, except for me and Harry.
The snake crawls to us, and looks up.
'Thanks, amigos,' he says, and points his head to the sign, which had fallen to the floor.
Comes from Brazil.
I grin at the snake.
'Anytime,' Harry and I whisper.

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