Bite Me

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By: wordcouture
Genre: smut
Posted on AO3
Words: 3499
Jungkook active
Bottom jimin

(This is mostly full of fluff and its really cute)

jimin and jungkook's relationship progression based on teeth-related encounters


Jimin is apple cheeks and white peach smiles. Jungkook watches him push a little girl, someone pretty, with big eyes that glitter (but not quite as bright as Jimin's, so Jungkook thinks), on the swings, giggling with her as she shrieks with laughter at the peak of the swing, coming back down in a delighted flurry of hiccups.

Jungkook watches and wishes he knew how to be as kind, how to smile as bright.

Jimin picks up a ball that flies astray from the rowdy boys over on the field playing kick ball and he tosses it back. They wave their thanks and go back to their game. Jimin helps the little girl braid her hair and sits with her when she doesn't want to go with the rest of the girls to the monkey bars.

At the ripe age of five years old, Jeon Jungkook thinks, rather sagely to himself, that one day Jimin will go on to do great things because that's what his momma had told him--that kind people go on to do great things.

Jungkook watches with dessert plate eyes as Jimin maneuvers around the playground, making nice with everyone, helping where he can, teaching the group of boys who'd gotten tired of playing soccer how to shoot hoops with random pieces of trash into the garbage can.

Jungkook watches all this and thinks, even more sagely than before, that his momma might have underestimated it all because Jimin is already doing great things.


"Your teeth look weird," one of the boys says, soccer ball tucked under his arm. His friend giggles and ducks behind his hand.

"My momma and papa say that it means I'll have good luck," Jimin says, smile never once faltering.

"Noooooo," the first boy says, rolling his eyes as if he knew the world around and back but Jungkook knows for a fact that he's in the special catch-up classes on Saturday mornings cause he sucks at math, "it's because you're stupid."

"I'm not!" Jimin stamps his foot, a tiny frown settling between his eyebrows.

"You are too," the second boy agrees, nodding so hard Jungkook wishes his head would roll right off.

"I-I'm not..." but Jimin is sniffling and Jungkook's entire body feels like it might have been set on fire.


The boys round on Jungkook but their eyes grow wide when they see him because young as Jungkook is, he's already taller than most of the boys in his class (not quite as tall as the girls, but he's getting there; his momma promises that one day he'll be taller than they are by a lot), and he has the first boy by a solid inch and a half. And, he's been doing taekwondo for like... ever. He's already a yellow belt and he'd started out as not a yellow belt.

"Who're you? You don't play around here, do you?" the first boy asks, fingers clenching on the soccer ball. Behind him, Jimin sniffles and Jungkook's fists curl in on themselves.

"Not all the time, I don't--because I don't like to play withbullies," Jungkook says, voice huffy and slick with implication. The boys wince and glance at each other but the first boy, it seems, wants to sign some kind of death wish today and puffs out his chest.

"We're not bullies, we're just telling the truth!"

"Oh yeah?" Jungkook snaps back, "and what if I knocked out all your front teeth? How stupid would that make you?"

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