It ain't gonna spank itself

13.8K 194 75

By: heyhosam
Genre: smut
Posted on AO3
Words: 4540

Top jungkook
Bottom jimin


‘It ain’t gonna spank itself’

Jungkook read the words printed on the black fabric of Jimin’s briefs over and over again, the swirling letters burning into his memory; he now had material for those alone nights in which Jimin would be out of town for some dance competition.

Jungkook followed the mumbled voice coming from the other end of the hall. His sleep-induced mind working on its own to make his body move to the source of noise.

It wasn’t just the melodic voice humming a song he didn’t recognize, but also the smell of recently milled coffee and the promise of sweet morning kisses that had him smiling broadly this early in the morning.

He stopped at the kitchen’s door, blinking surprised at the sight of Jimin half naked, golden strands of hair pointing everywhere doing the simple task of toasting some bread. Taking in his state it was obvious it wasn’t long ago since he had woken up and that made Jungkook drag his teeth hungrily through his bottom lip. Jimin was the most soft and pliant during the mornings when his brain was still trying to fully wake up and his limbs to coordinate.

He took small and silent steps to the still oblivious man, dodging the counter’s corner that was in the way in between the door and Jimin, his finger’s itching to touch the soft skin of the omega’s back. But what greeted the young alpha had him almost groaning out loud.

Jimin’s lower half had been hiding behind the counter Jungkook had to walk over to get to him so Jungkook hadn’t seen until now those black briefs Jimin was using so casually, almost innocently so.

Jungkook  swallowed roughly, heat coiling already on his lower half. It was funny to think how fast Jimin was able to rile him up.

‘It ain’t gonna spank itself’

Jungkook read the words printed on the black fabric of Jimin’s briefs over and over again, the swirling letters burning into his memory; he now had material for those alone nights in which Jimin would be out of town for some dance competition.

It wasn’t only the words that had Jungkook’s little buddy jumping to life, it was the way the black fabric hugged Jimin’s round and plump ass, making it look perkier and ready for those spanks he was asking for.

Jungkook’s eyes darkened with lust and without thinking it twice pressed himself on Jimin’s back, who jumped at the sudden add of warmth. Jungkook heard him gasp, not sure if because of the jump scare he got or because he was feeling now the alpha’s hardening dick nestled between his asscheeks.

“Jungkook?” asked Jimin, sounding almost cautious. Jungkook’s hand went to his hips, the tip of his fingers playing with the white hem of the briefs while the other made itself at home on Jimin’s nape, rubbing small circles with his thumb.

“Do you want some that bad?” whispered Jungkook on the other’s ear before pushing him down by the grip he had on his neck. Jimin gasped again, beautiful and breathless just how Jungkook liked it, but without questioning the other male’s actions at all. Jimin allowed Jungkook to push him down until his chest was flat against the cold surface of the kitchen counter he was, seconds ago, trying to make breakfast.

“What do you mean?” asked Jimin, more for curiosity than anything else. He was slightly confused despite enjoying how the day was unfolding. He expected to wake Jungkook with kisses and tickles, eat breakfast on bed and cuddle all morning, but he had to admit this was much better.

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