Strip you, dip you, flip you

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By: fatal (cumrich)
Genre: smut
Posted on AO3
Jungkook active
Bottom jimin


There's really never a bad time to fuck jimin.

jeongguk's keenly aware of jimin's eyes on him, he's just pretending that his phone is more interesting. it's not even that jeongguk doesn't like it, he always loves having jimin's attention, but there's always this ball of anxiety in the pit of his belly, this constant fear that everyone's going to find out. they haven't worked this hard to build up their careers for nothing. jeongguk has to remind himself not to get possessive, fingers curling around jimin's wrist loosely, teeth leaving only the faintest of marks against jimin's unblemished skin.

his heart races and when he dares to glance up; jimin's still watching him. he wonders if jimin's thinking about him. jeongguk's always thinking about jimin: about fucking him and kissing him and touching him and it's a little overwhelming but not unwelcome. jimin's gaze is less intense now, more lazy, tired, the coordi noona almost done with his hair. jeongguk had his finished up first.

he's not surprised when jimin saunters over to him, sinking down next to jeongguk in the small space left on the couch. namjoon's asleep, mouth hung open, on jeongguk's other side. jimin presses bodily into him and if he could get away with it, he'd have sat in jeongguk's lap. for now, he settles on resting his chin on jeongguk's shoulder, hand curling around jeongguk's bicep. jeongguk doesn't miss the quick squeeze.

"is your phone more interesting than me?" jimin pouts and jeongguk has to bite back his pleased smile. "what are you even looking at?"

"you're so obvious," jeongguk points out, eyes flickering to jimin and he catches the way jimin stares at his mouth before he looks jeongguk in the eye.

"is that a bad thing?" jimin asks quietly, voice too close to jeongguk's ear. it sends an involuntary shiver down his spine and jeongguk glances quickly around the room before sinking back into his seat, taking jimin with him. when he turns to look at jimin, he can see the pretty fan of jimin's lashes, the cut of his cheekbones as he glows, ever radiant.

"depends," jeongguk says, smirking as jimin's cheeks turn pink from the close proximity. for someone so coy, he melts easily. "i wouldn't mind flaunting that you're mine but your fans might."

"ew," jimin grimaces, nose scrunching up cutely as he pulls away. "you're so gross."

jeongguk watches him stand, follows the curve of his body down to his hips. he's lost weight, and it makes him look even more delicate. jeongguk feels ravenous, wants jimin to fall apart under his hands so only he can put him back together again. the stylists have him in a choker again, black cloth stark against jimin's pale skin, and it makes jeongguk's cock twitch in interest. last week, he'd broken one in half as he'd grabbed at it to fuck into jimin from behind. there'd been an indentation in jimin's skin, nearly a bruise and jeongguk had felt something feral in his chest.

"you're staring," jimin says, but there's this pleased quality to his voice, and he's reaching up to fix his hair despite the fact that not a single strand is out of place.

"can't help it," jeongguk murmurs in response, jimin's cheeks flushing further. he turns away from jeongguk, flustered, and jeongguk knows he's won this round. he watches jimin leave their dressing room, the idea hitting him just as jimin rounds the corner. jeongguk's out of his seat a split second later, his bandmates all either preoccupied with their phones or dead to the world. he follows jimin out, spots him bowing to a senior group passing by. jeongguk mimics the action when they pass him, too, catching jimin by the wrist as he speeds up.

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