//R - 10//

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The studio seems to have gone quiet over the past few weeks. James hardly talks and if he does, it's only to Michelle.

He invites me every Monday to his house for study but it's dead silent. He doesn't talk and neither do I. I've started to notice that more things are in his house when I visit.

"Okay, let's take it from the top," Miss Kate says, starting the music.

Everyone is practicing the Regional's routine but Michelle is the only one absent. Just as we finish the routine, Michelle comes through the doors and immediately hugs James.

I can see that he isn't smiling, there's just a blank expression on his face. I know there is something going on in his life but I'm honestly worried about him.

Miss Kate approaches her, "Hello, Michelle. Why don't you warm up first before showing the duet to the team?"

Michelle glances excitedly at James and shakes her head, "No it's okay, I've already warmed up before I got here,"

The duet is super important for the studio. It's the first round in Regionals, followed by a small group and then a group routine.

Miss Kate gave the duet to James and Michelle because she knows that they are dating. I didn't think her decision was fair, you don't need to be dating to have chemistry with a dance partner.

James nods and takes his position on the floor with Michelle. The rest of A-troupe go on the side to watch.

The dance is a lyrical one about two lovers who always have to face obstacles in order to find their way back to each other again.

Michelle goes to do a leap but I see that something goes wrong. She rolls her ankle on the landing and screams in pain. We immediately surround her and see if she's alright.

I look up from the crowd and see James not in the circle. I approach him, lately he hasn't been the same person as I met on my first day here.

"What's up?" He asks casually, avoiding eye contact.

"Are you serious?" I ask in disbelief, "your girlfriend just got injured and you don't bother to check if she's alright?"

He shrugs and looks down at his feet, "My future or my heart," James whispers.

I shake my head in confusion, "What is wrong with you?"

"A lot of things, Riley. You just don't understand," He raises his voice slightly

"Maybe it's because you won't tell me," I snap back

James looks up and searches my eyes as if he's trying to tell me a message but I don't understand him.

I hear the sound of an ambulance and a few minutes later, paramedics come and take Michelle away.

Everyone talks around us about her ankle. James shoves his hands in his pockets and shakes his head.

Miss Kate comes to us, "James, Riley; Regionals is right around the corner and by the looks of things, Michelle has broken her ankle and can no longer compete. Riley, I need you to take her place in the duet,"

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