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Justin's POV

I was gently being woken up by my dad. "Jay, wake up Rae we gotta leave in a half an hour." I just nodded and stretched, then proceeded to wake up Raegan. Harder than I thought.

"Raegan. Wake up." I said pushing at him lightly. "Babe, let me sleep." I proceeded to try to explain to him that we had to leave. Then I finally rolled him over and kissed him. "Good morning." He said smiling. "Oh so now you want to wake up?!" I said. "I'm gonna be in the shower." I said.

I went to the bathroom to turn on the water so it could heat up as I was getting some different, comfortable clothes to wear. I had my clothes, and I stepped into the shower, letting the water roll down my body. I felt a pair of hands wrap around my back. I knew it was Raegan, so I leant back and laid on him. I was in heaven.

We got out just in time to get dressed, put our things in the car and grab a blanket for the long plane ride. I hopped into the back seat of the car, Damon and Raegan on my sides. Raegan's head was on my shoulder, and my head was on Damon's shoulder.

We finally got to the airport. I woke Raegan back up and he grabbed his two bags from the back of the car, as did I. We walked in, got our tickets, went through security, and finally were at the gate. We were all tired, so I asked if anyone else wanted Starbucks. I got everyone's orders, and Raegan and I went to the small Starbucks stand.

While we were waiting for our drinks, Raegan was holding me. People were staring at us, and it made me feel uncomfortable. "Everybody is staring at us." I whispered into his chest. I could only feel his grip around me tighten. "Who cares? I don't need validation, you're all I need Justin Drew Blake." My heart melted. I looked up at him and kissed him.

They called our order, and we grabbed the drinks and returned to our gate. Finally they called our flight to board. "Flight 407 to London, England. First class boarding." We grabbed our bags and we boarded the plane. We only had 1 layover, in New York. But I slept all the way through the first flight.

We boarded our second flight, and the last thing I remember is falling asleep on Raegan's shoulder. I've fallen head over heels for him, I just hope it's not a mistake.

(436 words. theres probably gonna be several chapters about vacation. and this was just a chap filler.)

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