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Justin's POV

I woke up, and remembered that I was in the arms of the love of my life. I can't explain that feeling, I can't explain that feeling of butterflies just looking at his face.

I was staring at him, and then his beautiful brown eyes opened. "Good morning, cutie." He said. "Good morning." I smiled back at him. "Are you ready to have some fun?" I asked him jumping out of bed to start the shower. He got up with me. "Everyday with you is fun."

Frick, he makes my face turn pink. I hate it. But like normal, we hopped in the shower and got dressed. "You ready?" He asked grabbing both of our phones off the charger. I nodded my head and we left the room to head down to the lobby for some breakfast.

Unsurprisingly, my dad and my brothers were already there. We sat down next to them after going through the breakfast buffet line. "What're we doing today?" I asked.
My dad handed me the itinerary.

1) The London Eye
2) Tower of London
3) St. Paul's Cathedral
4) Lunch
5) Buckingham Palace
6) British Museum
7) London Dungeon

Raegan looked and me, like he could see the glimmer of excitement in my eyes, because it sure was there. Could life get any better?

We decided if we wanted to get everything done today we better get started. We were off to the London Eye, an iconic riverside observation wheel. How's that for a history lesson? I held Raegan's hand the entire ride there.

We got to the London Eye. Holy frack. It's like everything stopped. That moment when you feel like everything is perfect, so time freezes. And you get to look at your life. I'm in London, England, with the love of my life and my family. When you think about your life from a third person point of view, you just see so much more than you would first person. It's just life I guess.

Raegan shook my shoulder. "Earth to Justin!!" My eyes widened. "Oh sorry, just thinking." He smiled at me. I took in the view, and then we were off to the Tower of London.

Now call me cheesy, but it's like that moment looking at the London Eye, was my perfect life moment. That one moment in life you will never forget. The feeling of everything being so god damn right, that you're literally scared. We got to the Tower of London, and I was in tears. Definitely not sad tears. "Baby, what's wrong?" Raegan asked me.

"I'm just thinking about how perfect my life is right now. I have you, and I'm able to travel the world with my family." At this point I was crying an ocean. But it was inevitable. It was inevitable that feeling of being worth it, being needed, being able to do things that seem impossible.

I sat down, on the ground. I just let the tears fall. Most would say you never understood just how much something or someone meant to you until you lost them. But I'm standing here on the Tower of London, crying.  Why? Because you never know how much something or someone means to you, until you're all you can ever think about. And that, was Raegan Alexander.

(552 words. i'm so sorry this took so long to write. it was a hard chapter for me to write. but i hope you enjoyed. leave a comment :))

The Way You Look At Me - JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now