"Stop letting it to this to you. To us."

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Third Person POV

Raegan's parents were definitely not the most supportive parents in the world about his sexuality, but in retrospect, they weren't the worst. But, it wore on Raegan, and his ability to cope with his parents disbelief. His panic attacks came back, much worse and more frequently. But he didn't tell Justin, and the results were... catastrophic.

Raegan's POV

The guilt was intense. You never want to hurt the person you love, but it always happens. But the guilt is beyond intense. Justin told me he forgave me, but it still haunts me. What if the only thing he can think about when he's with me is if I'm going to hurt him again? Thoughts started flooding my mind.

What if I'm not good enough for him?

What if he stops loving me?

What if he leaves me?

And there it was. The panic attack hit me like a truck. My breathing became sporadic, and when they came, they came in short, small breaths.

"Justin." I said.

"Justin." I said slightly louder.

"Justin!" I finally screamed.

Justin's POV

"Justin!" I heard from coming through the window.

I walked over the to window, hearing it come again.


Hopping out of the window, I jumped over to his roof. When I walked into the bathroom, he was sitting against the bathtub.

"Raegan, what's wrong?" I said.

"I can't breathe. I'm having another panic attack." He said breathy.

"Another? I thought they went away." I asked.

"No, they came back. I didn't want to tell you."

"Okay, just breathe." I said.

He continued breathing short, small breaths. I repeated myself and told him to breathe again. He just couldn't get his breathing under control.

"God damnit, Raegan. Why do you do this to yourself? You get yourself so worked up about things that you know aren't going to happen. What's this panic attack about? Me? Me leaving you? How many fucking times over do I have to tell you that I'm not going to leave you! I'm not going to sporadically stop loving you." I said, taking a breath.

"That's not how it works. I don't get to just stop loving you. I've fallen for your stupid smile, and your handsome chocolate eyes, and I... I've fallen head over heels for you. And I've found the person that completes me. Yes, you hurt me. But stop letting it rule you, stop letting it do this to you. To us." I continued.

His breathing returned to normal. I slid across the floor towards him, wrapping my arms around him. "I'm going to love you till the end of time." I said, feeling his head lower into my shoulder, leaning me onto the floor of his bathroom. Him on top of me.

We laid like that for what seemed ages. When I went to get up, I noticed he had fallen asleep. As I returned back to laying on the bathroom floor. And that's how it was, our relationship. We fell asleep in each other's arms on our bathroom floors.

Time Skip: Morning

Raegan's POV

I woke up on the bathroom floor, Justin underneath me. Remembering last night, I picked a still asleep Justin up off the floor, and laid him down on my bed. Shrugging off my white, now dirty, skinny jeans and cuddled back up against him. He maneuvered his head onto my chest, and his arm across my torso.

I slowly drifted off to sleep once again. Except, this time much comfier.

Only to be woken up about two hours later by my body being shook.

"Leave me alone! I'm sleeping, god damnit!" I said rolling onto my stomach.

"Oh really?" I felt something crawl onto my back, extremely light. I rolled my head around to see Justin sitting on my back.

"Get off, weirdo." I said, shoving him off my back, only to pull him into a hug.


The Way You Look At Me - JaeganWhere stories live. Discover now