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"Okay, class remember you have homework!"Mr.Gomez shouts. "Ugh give us a break! We all work hard. Including me! Plus everyone turned in their essay. Well everyone except
Annabel "Allison says with a smirk. "Damn you Allison "she mutters. Mr.G thinks for a bit. "Okay, no homework for today. But Annabel, I'll be waitin' for the two essays tomorrow mornin' "

"That's not fair!"Annabel whines. "Yes it is, we did our work. You do yours," I say annoyed. The bell rings and we rush out. "Thank you Allison!" they say. "Its what I do," she flips her hair. Hayden joins us and we transition to our next class. "Okay, we have new assigned seats. So everyone against the wall"Mr.Diddle says.

Assigned seats? Yeah..no!


"Katherine sit right here. Jason sits next to her. Hayden sits next to Austin. Josh sits right here Allison sit next to him"


"Valerie sits behind Katherine..." then he continues to give us our new seats. "So how you doin' ex babe?"Josh asks snobbily. Yup, my life is over, "Just dandy since I'm not with you anymore," I said while glarin' at him. "A little birdy told me you're datin' Hayden," he says completely ignoring my glare.

"Does that birdy happen to be Hayden?"I ask annoyed. "Yes, so are you datin' him?" he spat the word 'datin'. Gosh, I love gettin' boys attention. "Yes, we are. For your information "Hayden says.

"I didn't ask you, did I?" Josh says while rollin' his eyes. You see Josh is the basketball captain. Dark brown hair, killer blue eyes. Definitely caught my attention. Hayden well he's the football captain, both captains are moral enemies. Plus Josh and I were a good match.  But like all good things, we had to come into an end. "Okay class turn to page 299 in your textbooks"

"How come I never noticed this?"Daisy asks as she examines Austins tattoo. "Do you have a tattoo?"Willow asks. I hesitate but give her a strong nod. "So I'm not the only one?!"She says. "You have one? Girls we tell everything to each other"I say while chewing my gum. "So if you have somethin' to say then say it"
It was silent until Libby spoke up.

"My mom adopted me, "Libby says ashamed.

"My boyfriend broke up with me and I have 3 tattoos," Willow says.

"I'm not actually blonde," Taylor says.

"Girls...why didn't you tell me?"I ask hurt. "We thought you wouldn't like us anymore," Taylor says quietly. I laugh. "I've known you, girls, since we were little. We're basically family"

"Ally's right, "Austin says with a mouthful of food. I shiver "You're such a pig. Can you believe he's my brother," I said disgustedly. "My mother is renting a beach house. She says it's just for us...if you guys want to come?"Libby says shyly. "I'm in need of a tan anyway,"I say

"Sure," Taylor and Willow say at the same time.

"If it means seeing Ally in a bikini, I'm in, "Hayden says with a smirk. I roll my eyes. Boys.
"I'm goin', "Austin says.

We all laugh together until I realized one of us wasn't, Daisy. 

"You know Daisy you're invited too," Libby says while applyin' another coat of cherry red lipstick. "Really?! I-I mean yeah I'll come"

I laugh.

The girls come to my house so we could get ready for tonight's game.

I'm the cheerleader captain.
"Oh hi, girls! Long time no see!" my mom says with her award-winning smile. I have one just like hers. "Hi, Mrs.Grey!"

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