Extra Chappy!!

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1 year later


We graduated high school and now we are off to collage. Of course Hayden is following me to the same one and Austin want leave my side and my friends will forever follow me, so it will be the same!

Oh and the Triplets we're born a few months ago. Jake, Jesiah, and Jason Grey. Yes they cry a lot but Im happy Im the only girl.
Austin brought a horse to school and asked Daisy to go to prone with him. I won Prom Queen and Austin won prom King we danced then we went back to our dates.

As for Josh....he ended up with Libby, which Im happy about. We are on good terms now. And Blake, she ended up with Marcel...the nerd bird. They are happy, but I hate her still.

Taylor and Willow found guys but Willow decided to stay single for a while.

10 years later

"Mommy! Jayden put Nutella in my hair!"Betty yells at me while stomping her feet.

"Daddy! Mom won't let me eat ice cream for breakfast!"Luca my 5 year old whines.
Yes...Im a mom, a mom of....4 kids. My youngest Georgia she's 3 then Luca 5, Betty 6 and Jayden....6, yes they are twins shut up!

And yes Jayden is like his Austin, Nutella lovers. Such dorks they even made a fan club called...No tella, I know creative....not.

I still love ice cream, always will. Okay! Austin married Daisy la la la, they have two kids. Oakland and Brooklyn both 7 Blah Blah Blah. Daisys pregnant again, but I don't care, now back to me!

I still wear crop tops! Im still young! An-fine! I'll stop talking about myself.

Taylor has a boyfriend named Henry and they have a kid together. They come over every single day their kid Tate who 6 flirts with Betty, I mean he is adorable but...not my daughter!

Willow....she ended up with Brian, my ex. Yeah they are married and are currently in the hospital cause she's giving birth the her first baby. I probably should go but I need to finish this first.

Libby married Josh and are in Paris with their daughter Rose. I think

As for Jake, Jesiah and Jason. Whom are 10 and each claim to have a 13 year old girlfriend. Nah uh boys, no dating till ya 30.

Yeah I might've acted bad when I heard the news but I still care about them and Im a very protective sister!

No one gonna break those kids hearts I'll tell you that.

Nothing he's the same, yeah he's a dad, few white hairs here and there but Eh that's it.


"Hayden I need to go the hospital my best friend is having a baby! Take care the kids!"

"Okay! Love you!"I hear him yell. "Love you too!"


When I get off the elevator I rush to 50B
I see Taylor, Libby, and Willow yelling in pain. "Hey bitches, your Queen is here!"I say in a sing song voice. "Hey Ally!"Taylor and Libby say in unison. Willow grabs my other hand and Brian is hold the other. "Keep pushing! I-I see the head!"

That day a beautiful baby girl was born Juliet is the name. Im her God Mother obviously.

"You were in pain while giving birth huh?"I ask in a smugly voice. "No shit"Willow says breathlessly. "That's what you get for not wearing protection- I learnt that the hard way"

"Hey guys....since Willow had her first baby....should we celebrate at the club?"Libby asks while batting her eyes. I look at Willow. "Ah what the heck I need a beer, I deserve it, I gave someone life!"Willow says while smirking.

"Everyone selfie!"Taylor yells. We take a selfie. "Oh Im so gonna post it"

Yeah, Im living the life.

Okay brokays! The story is over! And I now need to focus on my other books

Thank you all very much for reading and voting. I know its not the best book, but thank you for checking it out.




Thank you!!!

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