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I get up and change into a cute dress that goes great with my hair style and make-up.

"OMG! What's the occasion?"Willow asks curiously

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"OMG! What's the occasion?"Willow asks curiously. I give her a questioning face. "There's no occasion?"she asks. "Well duh! I would dress better than this!"I say and walk down stairs to the dinin' room. "Allison! Here I have uh regular pancakes!"Hayden says nervously. "Thanks but no thanks im not hungry"I say as if it were nothin....which it isn't.
"You need to get food in that body of yours babygirl "he says softly. I rest my head on my palm 'Call me baby girl again'

"Hello? Hellllooooooooooooo?"Hayden yells while wavin' his hand in my face. "Fine but only one"I say while flattenin' my outfit

"Im going to ask her....when Im ready!"Austin says.

"Austin honey...how are you going to ask her?"
Right, prom is comin up soon and Austin is askin me for some advice.
"I'll be down on one knee and be like 'Daisy...you mean the world to me and I absolutely adore and love you. So Im here to ask you an important question....will you be the beast to my beauty?' good right?"

"Are you saying she's a beast. Ugh you animal!"
"Sis I was only bluffin'. Mama raised me better"
"Yeah? So what's your plan?"
"Well I was thinkin about prince charmin' "he says.
"What about him?"
"Well you know how he rides on a white horse and then the part where he takes off his helmet and flips his hair in slow motion. Then I ask her"

I take out my phone and take a picture of him. I posted it online. Caption sayin' 'How is this guy even related to me?'

I look back at Austin, who is smellin' his armpits. "Are you sure mom didn't adopt you and claim you as my twin?"I ask him while crossin' my arms. "Aw sis...the feelin' is mutual. Remember when we went campin' I put your bed on the lake while you were sleepin' on it!"he says laughin'
"That wasn't funny! A frog woke me up! Plus don't you remember me tryin to sell you for 5 dollars at Walmart? Sad cause no one wanted you"

"Okay now that's just mean! Our parents didn't know to this day you tried to do that. An' you probably remember when You an' Josh we're datin, you was about to sit down but I put and fart pad on your seat! Oh gosh that was funny, an' Josh wouldn't stop laughin!"

"Where did you get that anyways?"
"The fart pad? Oh Hayden gave it to me. He wanted me to do it on Josh but that wouldn't be funny so I did it on you!"

"Hayden gave you it, why?"
"You stupid of somethin'? He like you ever since the first day he met you"

"That was the first grade"I point out. "Exactly. But now he's so happy that you're together. Plus he always has dreams about you. Cheesy but sweet" he shrugs. "How do you know he has dreams 'bout me?"I ask.

"He tells me. He also has dirty dreams where you two have sex. I have to punch of a few times then kick out of my room"

"OMG I got a text- hold on"I say and fish out my phone. "Oh its from Josh"I say while shakin' my head. "Who did you expect?"
"Well daddy said he was givin' me a new car, he was goin' to take a picture of it and send it to me" I say as I opened Joshes message.

'Where are you? I stopped by your house but your mom said you weren't there!'

"I swear he's the most annoyin' guy I ever met"Austin says.
"True I even had to put up with him, sad really"

'Im out with my friends for the week, leave me alone'

I instantly got a reply
'You're a bitch!'
"He called me a bitch! "I whine. "I'll give him a beating when we're goin' home"he says with a calm shrug. I sigh and start typin'  a come back.

'I've been called worse'
'Oh yeah? Like what?'
'Your girlfriend'

"Oooo that's gotta burn!"Austin yells behind me. "Austin! Don't ever and I mean ever scream in my ear!"

'Im so sorry babe I let the anger get the best of me forgive me? *Im poutin' right now*'
Oh gosh, he's poutin'. He knows I love that face!
'Aw! Nope sorry Nada Zero! Im not forgivin' you! Bye'

"Hiya babe"Hayden says while sittin' down next to me. "Hi-"I say but Austin cuts me off. "Hey! Didn't I say come back till five? We're bondin' siblings only!"Austin pushes Hayden to the ground. Some how he ended up on Hayden's back. "Yee ha! Go horsey go!"he yells.

I feel bad for myself. "Get off me!"Hayden squeals. Pssh how manly. That's sarcasm speakin'.
"Libby told me to tell you the yacht is ready!"

"Okay I need to get ready see you by the dock"I say and head to the house. "But our bondin' time ain't finished!"Austin complains. "Then we'll continue tomorrow!"
I yell back.

I walk into my room and close the door. I open my suit case and pick my other bathing suit.

I start taking off my clothes before I hear the door open. "You're so beautiful" Hayden whispers. I snicker "you don't have to tell me what I already know". He chuckles and gives me a hug from the back. How did I get so lucky? He was there the entire time yet I was so blind to see how much he cares. In first grade he stole my first kiss. I was in the play ground with Austin he ran to me and kissed me, then he ran away.
I smile at the memory. Austin hated him until he introduced his cousin daisy, yes daisy my friend daisy.

He kissed my neck and buttoned the bikini. "I love you" he whispers, I turn around and look at him. "I love you too" he smiles at what I said. "HURRY UP! WHAT TAKING SO LONG?!"Austin yells. "Almost done!"

I put on my bikini bottom and take out my hair clips. "Lets go shall we?"Hayden takes my hand and we go downstairs.


Allison's suit

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Allison's suit

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