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After the team match I'm sitting on the floor leaning against the wall when Teturo-sama waltzes up to me. "Hey [n/n]," she said with a sly smirk on her face, "guess who I saw watching you."

"Who?" I asked not even looking up at her.

There was a pause, "Kuroo!"

I looked up at her with shock. She had her hands on her hips and she was leaning forward making her cat like grin grow, "and not like everyone else was. Everyone else only watched you after you made that killer spike, he didn't take his eyes off you even at the very start of the game."

I didn't know what to say, I knew she was telling the truth. She was the gossip girl of the second years and loved making up rumours, but I could tell she was telling the truth. She always gets a weird glimmer in her eye when she was telling the truth, especially if the truth was juicy.

She laughed in a cat like way then turned around and walked away. Soon after Miku aprouched with an evil smile, "so what was that all about?"

I couldn't lie to her she was my best friend, even if it breaks her heart, "Teturo-sama told me that Kuroo had been watching me the entire match. She wasn't lying either, I could see it in her eyes."

There was a pause, like she was deciding whether to rip my throat out or support me completely. Soon enough she shrieked, "Oh my gosh [f/n]-chan! That's awesome!" I let out a breath of relief, she was happy for me. I knew we had sworn to never fight over a guy, but I didn't know how it would hold up when it comes to Kuroo though. We both really liked him.

I couldn't jump to conclusions though, mabey he was only watching me because my shorts were to short, which they were, or mabey I had something on my back. Weather or not any of this was true was still a mystery.

Both me and Miku shot side glances at Kuroo and Kenma talked to one another as everyone left the gym. Kenma seemed annoyed, just wanting to get back to his game. Yet Kuroo was laughing and giggling, going on and on about something. Then he turned and looked our way. Our eyes locked for a moment before I evertade mine. He really was looking at me. But I knew it wasn't my back, and he wasn't looking at my shorts. He couldn't really like me could he.

I blushed and looked over to Miku who looked like she was going to explode, "he really is watching you! [f/n]-chan do you think he likes you?"

"No, what is there to like about me?" I said realizing just how small a chance it was he liked me.

"There is a lot to like about you, like you're good at sports, you have beautiful [h/l] [h/c] hair, you are really smart, and you're really pretty [f/n]-chan!"

I blushed for a bit at what she said then stood up. I held out my hand which she grabbed and I pulled Miku to her feet. She looked around my shoulder, suddenly a surprised but excited look apeared on her face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"He's coming this way!" she quietly exclaimed. I looked over my shoulder to see an approaching Kuroo closing the gape between us.

I quickly turned back to face her with blush blowing across my face, "what should I do?"

"I don't know [f/n]-chan, but you're on your own for this one," she then abruptly turned and walked away with a devilish smile.

I hurriedly tried to go after her but a deep, cat like voice coaxed me into turning around, "Hey, um... [l/n] is it?"

I turned around to face him, putting on a warm smile, "Yes, that's me. Can I help you with something?"

"You sound like one of those lady's who greats you at the front desk of a hotel," he laughed aloud.

My sweet smile faded and a darker smirk rolled over my lips, "So, is there a problem with me talking to a stranger in such a manner?"

This seemed to surprise both him and Kenma, " touche." He raised a brow in interest.

I could feel the stares coming from the teammates behind me, "well what is it that you need?"

He seemed to snap into his captain mode and his voice and face became serious, " I need to speak with your coach and your captain."

"Well, I don't know why you would need my help with that Captain, as you should know the captain has the number one jersey, and the coach is over there talking to the girls, but I've seen you speak with him before, if my memory serves me right."

Suddenly Kenma let out an uncharacteristically loud laugh that drew everyone's attention, including the rest of the boy's team that was now entering the gym. A light blush crept over Kuroo's face showing off his embarrassment. "What ever," he pouted as he walked past me over to coach and Naomi, our captain.

I returned to sitting up against the wall as Kenma returned to a rowdie team. They all surrounded him asking many questions about what caused him to laugh, and who I was. Soon enough my team, excluding Naomi, gathered around asking simular questions. Yet purposefully I tryed to leave as much up to the imagination as possible.

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