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As time went on I became tired and found my way to the large sakera blossom tree that I oh so often layed in. I had so many good memories of this place. It was the first time I really looked at Kuroo up close, and the first time I really talked to him, we were here. I could think, be calm, and not worry about anything.

A cool breeze swept through my (h/c) hair causing it to drift to my right back twords the gym. It smelled sweet like the blossoms it pulled right off the branches and swept away. Where, I do not know. Florescent green leaves have sprouted, taking the place of other flowers that had to meet their end much to soon. This moment was one of content.

The warm sun began to pull me into sleep but a voice called to me through the beauty, not that the voice wasn't just as handsome as the large hawk that sat atop the gym, puffing his chest out with pride. "[f/n]-chan! Why aren't you in class?" It was Kuroo. I couldn't hold back the tears any longer after seeing him. My face held no expression but tears rolled down my cheeks. He stopped seeing that I was crying.

Suddenly my hot tears turned into burning rage, Miku was running up right behind him, she looked evil. Almost like she had accomplished something. "[f/n]-chan, what's wrong?" Kuroo said with obvious concern, "Kimoyisha told me you had stormed out of class and never came back so I thought you would be here."

"Yeah, I was scared you got hurt [f/n]-chan," she was using a very fake sweet voice.

"Shut up whore, you know why I'm here!" my voice was cold but powerful which seemed to surprise Kuroo.

Miku started to cry, but it was obviously fake because not a single tear fell from her eye. She turned Kuroo twords her and grabbed him by his shirt burying her face in his chest. "Kuroo, get away from her!" I didn't mean to sound like such a jealous bitch.

"[f/n]-chan is right Kimoyisha, you need to get off," he tryed to push her away but she just "cried" louder.

"She's so mean Tetsu, did you hear what she called me?"

He finally managed to pry her off after a little help from me. "Go away Kimoyisha, I don't want to talk to you and I'm not going along with your deal."

Her face suddenly became cold and emotionless, "what ever, not like I care. You will give me Tetsu, and you will regret this decision." She then stormed off shaking her hips like a slut.

I turned back to the tree and jumped up with a boost from Kuroo. He then followed me up and looked me square in the eye, "what was that all about, and why was she calling me Tetsu, we hardly even know each other."

"She has liked you for a really long time, and when she found out we were going out she started threatening me, she even became violent in class, that's why I left, and that's why I'm here. She wanted me to break up with you and let her have you."

I couldn't help but feel ashamed. Kuroo cupped my cheek in his hand as he said, " Don't do that, I like you, and I want you to stay with me. I have friends who want to meet you, and I want to do things with you. I don't want it to stop now."

"I don't want it to stop now either, and I wasn't going to let her win. She gave me a note in class telling me she wouldn't forgive me untill I gave you to her. Then I stormed out." I was frustrated but his hand was warm and I leaned into it.

"So that's why when you saw me you began to cry, you are basicly choosing between a guy you just met, or your best friend," he looked like he might cry as well.

"Some friend she was." We both laughed as I said this.

He pulled his back pack in front of himself then opened it revealing a binto. "I'm sorry if it's not good, my little sister made it for me, but it looks like you could use it after serving all those balls," he rubbed the back of his neck as he handed it to me.

"Thank you Tetsu," I blushed a little as I said his name.

"I like the sound of you saying my name, it just sounds right."

I laughed hard when he said this responding through breaths, " I guess it does, doesn't it."

We ate and talked, laughing so hard we choked on our food. For once today I wasn't scared, or sad, or angry. I was actually happy.

I don't know how but time seemed to fly. Our little bubble of sunshine was broken when a few of the third and second years from the girls and boys team yelled in unison at us, " let's go love birds it's time for practice."

As the coaches walked into the gym they said with a laugh, "well it seems someone has been busy.

"Sorry, that was me," I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment as I waved. Kuroo and a few of the other members laughed and then entered the gym. Miku wasn't at practice today, or for the next week.

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