A Good Morning

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After we both almost cried last night we finally said good bye. He walked up the street to his house and walked in with out a second thought. I, on the other hand stayed out sitting on top of a little wall that separated the apartments from the normal houses. We had exchanged numbers and planned to meet each other the next morning, and all the possibilities have been racing through my head.

I realised I need sleep as much as anyone else and jump down to go inside. As my feet hit the ground I scare a big black cat. It's ears were messy and bitten. It reminded me of Kuroo. I bent down to pick him up and bring him to some food, but he ran away, all the way to the other side of the street. He paused to look back at me with his golden eyes. His beautiful eye's disappeared into little slits as he hissed. Then He turned and ran away.

Finally I went inside to sleep with the picture of Kuroo running away from me.

Waking up I forgot about yesterday. Everything is normal. I had a nice shower, ate Captain Crisp, and I even had some time to watch television. I watched the news, the story was about a serial rapest. A shiver went down my spine, "That's terrifying."

I about jumped out of my skin when I heard my phone ring. Finally I realised it was just my phone, but a wave of confusion washed over me. The caller ID was Tetsu. Suddenly I remebered everything that happened yesterday and I picked up the phone. Reluctantly I answered the call, "H... Hello?"

His response calmed me down, "why do you sound so scared? I'm not going to jump out of the phone and tackle you."

We both laughed for a moment before I replied, "I'm sorry, I was just watching the news and you startled me."

"Did you here about that serial rapest?" He asked.

I knodded akwardly as if he were here, "oh... Yeah." There was a pause then I continued, "so why'd ya call?"

"Is it not enough that I want to hear your voice," I could hear his obvious smirk and it made me blush. "Ok fine," he continued with a laugh, "I'm outside, do you want to walk to school with me?" I hung up then ran through my house and grabbed my bag and coat. Then opened the door with a huff, "Yes!"

His face was priceless and I couldn't help but laugh. "What are you laughing at?" he said in a playful but annoyed voice.

"I'm sorry," I said as I wiped away the tears from my eyes, "but you should have seen your face. You were so surprised." A bright blush races across his face as he rubbes the back of his neck. I walked past him into the street then looked back at him over my shoulder, "you comin or not?" He smirked at me then ran after me. Finally when he caught up, he took my hand firmly in his. Our fingers intertwine and he squeezes tightly with a smile. "What are you doing," I said blushing and trying not to look him in the eye.

He let out a loud laugh that caught the attention of some other students who were walking to school as well, "Am I not aloud to hold my girlfriend's hand?"

I blushed even more whispering my response, "but everyone can see us, aren't you embarrassed?"

He shot me a look of confusion, "why should I be embarrassed to hold the hand of the girl I like, I want to show you off [f/n]-chan."

This made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, it almost seemed to good to be true. My crush, the totally hot volleyball captain of the guy's team, liked me back and wasn't a total Fuck-boy and wanted to show me off. I feel like I'm on cloud nine, I would never come down from this high. I grasped his hand back thinking to myself "this is to good to be true!" and I was right about that. It was to good to be true, and this bliss didn't last forever, not even close.

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