Practice Match 2

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It's been about a week and Miku hasn't come to practice or school. Yuki and Naomi think she might have dropped out, but I don't think that's how things are. She is just planning something against me. I say that casually but I know this is serious.

Kuroo comes up from behind me throwing his arms around my neck. I stumble forward but manage to keep my balance. "Hey, [f/n]-chan, want to come with me to my practice match?"

We stumble our way through the hall twords the front of the school before I said, "sure why not, I'll go tell the principle and I will meet you at the bus."

"Ok," he said as he finally let go of my neck then seems to prance off down the hall. The guys are having a practice match against Fukurodani today. Kuroo has been excited to see his friend Bokuto, who is a little high maintenance.

I finally reach the principles office and get permission then jog to the front of the school where Kuroo was waiting. As I opened the doors of the school I could see Kuroo's protest to them leaving with out me. As I walk up next to him he throws his arm around my waist pulling me into him, "this is why we can't leave yet, now we can go."

"I'm sorry," I said rubbing the back of my neck, "I had to get permission to go."

They all understood and were happy to have me. I had grown very close to the guy's team because of Kuroo, Kenma, and Lev, who were all my friends. Well except Kuroo, he was my boyfriend.

It still doesn't feel real, the hottest guy in school was dating me, my own best friend was acting like a bitch and was threatening my life. This felt like some kind of sope opera with me as the main character. I hated it but loved it, I can never make up my mind on this.

Me and Kuroo sat in the back when Kuroo got a text from someone named Owl.

Owl: So are you bringing her?

Cat: Yeah

Owl: Is she with you right now?

Cat: Yeah

Owl: Hey, hey, hey mystery girl!

Cat: She says Hi

Owl: Would you be mad at me if I stole her from you?

Cat: She says that's not happening any time soon

Owl: You haven't seen me yet baby, give me a chance

Cat: Really man


Cat: she's my girlfriend dude

Owl: ok you have dibs but once you guys break up she's mine.

Cat: 1:You've never even seen her before
2: We are not breaking up anytime soon
3: Not cool Dude, not cool

Owl: Sorry man, no need to get all protective.

Finally we got there and were greeted by a bi-colored hair boy who was high energy, and high maintenance. That must be Bokuto. Kuroo and I got out of the bus and stretched but were interrupted by Bokuto as he ran up saying, "Hey, hey, hey Kuroo, this must be the mystery girl."

"Hi I'm [l/n] [f/n]," I said with a smile then bowed slightly.

"She's hot," Bokuto whispered a little to loudly to Kuroo.

"Thanks," I said with a smirk.

Bokuto laughed with the hint of blush, "you have a good one Kuroo, I'm jealous."

Kuroo let out a laugh, "well I guess I got to her first, finders keepers." Bokuto pouted like a child before laughing.

"You guys talk as if I'm not here," I glared at both of them. Both of them have apologetic looks, then we all walked into the gym.

As we walked in both teams staired over at me, and a volleyball rolled to my feet. I picked it up and one of the Fukurodani members calls through the silence, "over here!" Kuroo backs up and pulls back Bokuto. I throw the ball up in the air then as it fell back down I meet it half way. My hand hits it with a smack and it sails all the way from the door to the other side of the gym. And finally my feet touch the ground. Everyone begins to clap so I give them a European style bow then walk over to coach.

He ruffles my hair saying, " You did good kitten, you did good." Kuroo and Bokuto were stifling laughs along with the rest of the team. I glared up at coach then he said, " Okay, you aren't much of kitten, more like a feral cat if anything." This time I laughed along with the rest of the team. Finally when the laughter died down everyone finished warm ups then started the game.

As the game went along it was very back and forth between Nekoma and Fukurodani, in the end though we lost. "Looks like we got you back for last time Kuroo, " Bokuto put his hands on his hips. Kuroo just scoffed at him. "So will we be seeing you again [l/n]-kun during the summer training camp," Bokuto waggles his eyebrows at me.

"If you want to come you can, but you will have to practice right along with them." Coach said over his shoulder as he got on the bus.

"Well I guess I might as well come, it might be fun."

"It is," Bokuto said as we got on the bus. He waved good bye as we drove away and I watched him fade into the darkness as we drove back to Nekoma.

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