Summer Camp Day 2 (Part 1)

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      I slept all night, but when I wake up, I'm not quite rested. All the managers sleep around me. What time is it, how long have I been asleep? As I try to get up something pulls me back down by the waist. It's Kuroo! He's been sleeping with me this whole time. "Don't leave," he wispers placing his forehead on mine. I don't move, I don't blink, I can barely breath. He's so close. It's not the first time we've been this close, but there have never been people watching us.

      After a minute of complete silence, suddenly Kuroo roles us over, propping himself up over me with his arms. He stares down at me, unmoving. I turn my face away, a red hot blush creeping over my face. I glance back up, he's glaring at me. I turn my face back to him and whisper, "what's wrong?"

      In a low sexy voice he replies, "nothing." I can tell he's lying. He reaches out to my face and he rubs his thumb over my exposed cut. I touch it and realize that the bandaid came off. He makes eye contact with me again, "I'm sorry, I lied. I feel bad that I couldn't protect you." I could see tears forming in his eyes.

      I lift both of my hands to his face, cupping his cheeks. "Don't feel bad, there was nothing you could have done." As a tear rolled out of his eye I rub it away with my thumb. He closes his eyes and leans into my hand. Slowly he sinks down and lies next to me again.

      Covering his eyes with his arm he says, " I know, I... I just wish."

      "Dreams don't come true." Suddenly I heard the sound of laughter from around the room. Some of the managers sit up from their sleeping bags.

      The youngest from Karasuno laughs, "that was really depressing." Quickly she covers her mouth and blushes. "I'm sorry," she whispers from behind her cupped hands.

      I rest on my elbows, propping myself up to see her, "don't feel sorry it's true."

      The other Karasuno manager put on her glasses and sighed, " you seem to be reasuring a lot of people not to feel bad," she glanced up at me, pity clearly written on her face. "When your the one who feels the worst." I didn't know what to say to her, so I just turned my face away. Maybe I didn't want to face my problems, or maybe I truly believed her.

      Kuroo slowly climbs to his feet and reaches out to me. I grab his hand and he pulls me to my feet. Our fingers intertwine and we walk out of the room. As the door closes behind me he stops, still firmly holding my hand. " Kimoyisha ran off, and we couldn't find her. So, she's probably still here." He turns back to me. Anger filling his amber, cat eyes.

      "I'll be fine," I say, squeezing his hand, " as long as I have you." His signature smirk spreads across his face and he lets go of my hand. Suddenly I find myself against the wall, both of Kuroo's arms blocking my escape. His smirk making him look even more cat like.

      He leans in, whispering into my ear, " you can have me when ever you like." A hot blush creeps over my face and I push at Kuroo's chest with all my might but he barley moves. He looks down at me, smirking like a mad man. "It's ganna take more than that to stop me."

      My own smirk forms, and I can see fear rising in his eyes. "Maybe I wasn't trying to stop you Tetsuruo." My arms snake around his neck and my fingers run through his hair. I lean into him, our faces only millameters away from each other. Then our lips connect and Kuroo takes a step forward causing my back to be pressed against the wall. His body pressed me against the wall, pushing into my breasts causing me to moan, "Tetsuruo."

      He took this moment to slip his tounge into my mouth. Our tounges flick around, dancing circles around each other. He takes one of his arms off the wall and slowly slides it up my shirt. Stroking my side with his hand as he makes his way up to my breast. Bitting my lip, he slips his hand into my bra taking hold of my right breast.  Another small moan escapes my lips as I dig my nails into his back causing him to let out an almost unautable groan.

      We part lips, gasping for air. He rests his forehead on mine. He locks eyes with me, then with no warning at all he tightens his grasp on my right breast again. He smirks, watching me moan, then moves his knee in between my legs.

      Suddenly, our little bubble of heaven is broken by the sound of someone clearing their throat. I look to my left, followed by Kuroo. Standing in the hall glaring at us is the tall blond from Karasuno, Kageyama, Hinata, and the short first year with freckles that always follows the tall blond.

      The tall blond wipes his glasses then sends an evil glare straight to Kuroo, "having fun captain." A small laugh escapes his lips making him sound even more sinister.

      Kuroo smirks at the blond, " You're just jealous Tsukkishima, bet you never get this much pu..." I jab my elbow into Kuroo's side, glaring at him. Tsukkishima just laughs.

      Kageyama just walks around Tsukkishima and pulls me away from Kuroo. Kuroo tries to follow, but I motion for him to stay. Hinata follows close behind as Kageyama pulls me down the hall by my arm. Finally we stop as we enter the gym. Kageyama turns around and faces me. "I have a few questions for you (l/n)-san"

      I rub the back of my neck, "um... Ok. What do you wanna know." Hinata joins Kageyama, standing right at his side like a good little dog.

      "One, who was that girl that cut you, and how do you know her?" He stares at me, not averting his eyes for a second.

      I look away, touching my cut as I begin to speak, " Her name is Kimoyisha Miku. She used to be my best friend, we had all the same classes, and have known each other since the beginning of high school."

      Hinata jumped forward. Hands behind his back, looking a lot like a child. "What happened to make her act like that?" His confusion makes me want to laugh, but these memories just hurt to much.

      "We both had a huge crush on Kuroo, and promised that if one of us ever dated him, we would be happy for the other. We never thought it would happen." Kageyama looked like he had peaced it together. "But then," I wanted to tell them, but my throat burned from holding back tears.

      Kageyama continued, "and when it happened, she got jealous and acted dalusional, saying Kuroo truly loves her, but is just caught up on you." I knod, looking down at the floor.

      Hinata runs up, putting his hand on my arm trying to comfort me, "it's ok."

      I brushed his hand off, "but it's not, I tried to kill myself, and I got so feed up with it that I almost broke up with Kuroo." I covered my face with my hands in shame.

      "If you don't mind," Kageyama said, " I have a couple other questions." I knod, giving him permission to continue. " Why don't you go to the police?"

      "I've thought about it, but I don't want to do that to her. I still have such good memories of her, they hold feelings I can't shake. And it would be me admitting she wins. That's not what I want her to think." I pace in a circle, rage rising in me.

      Kageyama continues once I stop, "ok, last question." He glares hard, as if interegating me, "who are you? I mean, I know who you are, but like, but why are you here. We aren't just aloud to bring our girlfriends, so there's something special about you, you're special to the coach. Why?"

      I can't help but laugh. My laughter fills the gym, changing the mood. Kuroo walks into the gym, coming to a stop next to me. "Well, she is the coaches little Kitten." I elbow him in the stomach, causing him to lean over in pain. Yet, a laugh escapes his lips, and he smirks up at me with an evil glare.

      "Well the real reason is, I'm a volleyball player on Nekoma's girls team. Because the boys gym has been under construction our teams have been practicing together. Yet, I've been practicing more with the guys than the girls, so Nekomata let me join them." Tsukkishima joined Kageyama along with the freckled first year.

      Tsukkishima says, "we should all get breakfast, so we don't pass out during practice." We all turn walking out of the gym. Me and Kuroo bring up the rear. And for once in a long time, I feel content, not a single thought about Miku filled my mind.

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