Walking Home

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      Finally evening comes and practice ends. It's time to walk home. I try to quickly pick up the volleyballs, as to not keep Miku waiting. Finally I finished with a little help from a tired Lev. I jogged out of the gym to find Miku gone, but not just her, everyone was gone. Well except for Lev, and of course Kuroo.

      I walk up to him with an innocent smile, "you got left behind too?"

      "Yeah," He brushed his hand through his hair, "Kenma ditched me, disappearing when no one was looking."

      I paused then asked, "well which way ya going?"

      "West," he pointed at the set sun which has painted the sky a deep purple and the clouds a light pink.

      "That's the way I'm going as well!" I exclaimed on accident. After a quick pause I continued, "let's go ask Lev which way he's going." Kuroo knods in agreement before we walk into the gym. What I didn't see was that Kuroo has a frown showing his disapproval of the idea of Lev joining him and the girl he likes on a walk at night.

      I walked into the gym to find it empty. "Lev!" I called out to him with no response. Great, Lev seems to have snuck away as well. Behind me Kuroo was mentally fist pumping the air, this was his chance to ask me out. He had only known me for three days now but there was something special he was interested in.

      As I turned to face him Kuroo blurted out, "Let me walk you home." He looked surprised that he said that and a light blush crept over his face.

       "You really don't have to," I replied with a laugh.

       He looked serious for a moment which startled me, "It's the least I can do after I made you cry."

      I blushed a little then lightly punched his chest, keeping my hand there for a moment before saying, "fine, but don't think this means I care about that at all." I looked back up at him then started walking to get my bag.

      We grab our bags then begin to make our way to the front of the school. It was now dark and the sky was filled with stars, more than you could count. The road is dimly lit by the street lights over head. The orange hue felt warm and inviting. I let my head fall back as I looked up at the sky, walking beside Kuroo at a steady pace.

      Kuroo once again broke the scilence asking, "you really like the night don't you?"

      I looked over at him with a hint of confusion in my eyes, "I guess I do, I've never really thought about it before though." I turned my gaze back to the sky, "which do you like better, night or day?"

      "Night," he responded, "I like the stars, and how quiet it gets." I let the silence seep in showing him I agreed with his latter statement.

      As we neared my apartment I pointed to the three story building, "that would be my stop."

       Kuroo let out a laugh that seemed louder then it was before because of the silence, saying, "I live right up the street over there." He pointed to a small house at the top of the hill near the corner.

      I returned the laugh, "I'm surprised we don't run into each other more often."

       "Really," he said stifling a laugh.

      I stopped in front of the apartment building, "well here we are."

       I paused and just as I was about to continue Kuroo's voice rang out, "[f/n]" His voice was deep but nervous.

       "Y...yes," I replied sheepishly.

      "I...," he managed to say. I looked up at him using my eyes to repeat my previous statement. "I'm going to be honest with you [f/n], I like you."

      A long pause filled the air, and I could see he was regretting his words.  "I'm dreaming," I tried to turn to my door so I could wake up from this dream that would give me a heart attack.

       Kuroo grabbed my shoulder, "no [f/n], it's not, I like you." He over emphasized like. I liked him too, but that was the problem, all the people I really care about either get hurt by me or leave me.

      My mother never wanted any girls so she never really liked me, and I never really liked her. My brothers were older then me and have gone off to college a while ago. Yet my dad and I were close, and he died. I would never see him again. I had to leave all my friends to come here and most of them have shunned me. All the people I considered my best friends leave me, or hurt me. I didn't want to hurt Kuroo, and I didn't want him to leave me. And I know he will, he's a third year which means he will be going to college soon.

      I turned back when Kuroo reliesed his grip on my shoulder and began to walk away head hanging low. I heard a muffled, "what ever."

      Suddenly my heart took over, I rushed after him and hugged him from behind, "you didn't let me answer." He didn't move or say anything, we just stood silently under the light from above. "I like you too, a lot and I have for a while," I hide my beat red face in his shirt.

      Suddenly he turned around and hugged me tightly, "good, I'm glad." His voice was happy but trembling, he was going to cry. Tears of joy from my answer or hurt feelings from before, but it didn't matter. Everything was going to be ok. I hope.

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