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As we stroll up to school hand in hand something interrupts our conversation, "No, soccer is closer to volleyball then football, you ma..."

I was cut off by a familiar voice, "[f/n]-chan!" Miku was running down the main walkway from the school. Suddenly she stopped and her face seemed cold and emotionless for a moment when she saw Kuroo holding my hand. Then my best friend lit up again.

She ran up and rapped her arms around my neck. Miku seemed shorter then normal, I had always been very tall but even Miku was tall for a girl. "Hi [f/n]-chan!" her cheerful voice bounced around in my ears.

"I'm right here, ya don't have ta yell ya know," I said as I hugged her back.

She gave me a sad pout before saying, "I'm sorry."

I could see Kenma walking over when Kuroo jumped forward, "I'll see you at practice [f/n]-chan!"

"Kay, see you later Tetsu-chan!"

Once Kuroo was well out of earshot I heard Miku whisper with an evil smirk, "So, you guys are on first name basis I see." I just knodded down at her. "So spill the beans, are you guys dating?" she interrogates me as we walk to class.

"Yep," I said with pride before spilling everything to her.

I had needed someone to talk to and she was the perfect person, " He said he wanted to show me off to everyone!" I began to explain the last twelve hours to her in great detail.

Every once in a while she would nod, send me an evil smirk, or would say something like, "man I am so jelouse," or, "Kuroo is SO hot!" Nearing the end of my story we reached our class and took our seats.

She plops down sitting backwards in her seat that is in front of my own desk, "so anything else you should tell me?" She has the same emotionless look as before.

"U...um, I don't think so?" it came out as a question which surprised me.

"How about sorry," her face became angry and her stair makes me avoid eye contact.

"You said you were, um... Happy for us," my voice was weak and was as nervous as I felt.

She paused and took a breath trying to calm herself, " I like him too, and you stole him from me, I was going to ask him out today." Her voice held some emotion for a moment before it quickly dissipated.

"We said we wouldn't fight over this if one of us dated Kuroo-kun, we said we would support the other," I felt like I was about to cry. My eye sight became blurry and I blinked rapidly to keep the tears from falling like rain in a thunderstorm.

"Break up with him!" her voice was powerful and angry. I try desperately to avoid her painful stair but she grabbed me by the jaw, "we aren't friends anymore, the only way you can make this up to me is breaking up with Kuroo." She paused,"who is more important me, your best friend, or some guy you are dating?"

I shoked both of us with how powerful my voice sounded, "shouldn't you be asking yourself that?"

As the teaches walked in she stood up pulling me up with her by the collar of my shirt. She pulled her hand back to punch me but the teacher saved me, "Ms.Kimoyisha? Can we please put down Ms.[l/n]?" Miku released her grip and sat down with all her force. "Would you like to go to the infirmary [l/n]?" He looked very concerned for me.

"No Sir, I'll be fine."

He started class with much hesitation but all was ok. I felt like crying but I couldn't show that, not to Miku, or she would think she's won. And I won't let her win. Just as I begin to gain back my confidence Miku tosses back a note. It read, "Dear [l/n], I hate you, you are dead to me, and I will never forgive you if you don't give him to me. He is mine, rightfully mine, and he loves me more then you. - Miku Kimoyisha"

All these emotions ran through my head. A stampede of thoughts ran through the plains called my mind. I was sad, confused, annoyed, miserable, but most of all I was angry. Not like, oh, she stole my phone, angry, but more like I'm going to kill her angry.

I jolted up from my seat slamming the note into the desk. "I don't care Kimoyisha!" my voice boomed with power and anger like it never had before. I grabbed my bag and calmly walked out of the room. Once the door was closed I stormed down the hall, my feet mimicking the stampede running through my mind.

All I could see was the look on all their faces, surprised but scared they stared at me awstroke by the power in my voice. I had their full attention, I was in the spot light and I owned it. That was my time, no one would forget that. Yet nothing could compair with the look of terror in Miku's face. She knew I wanted her dead, even if for just a moment, even if I regreted it, I wanted it in that moment and she knew. She feared me, she didn't win, and she never would.

My feet carried me out the side door of the school leading to the gym. I didn't know where I was going but my feet seemed to know and I trusted them. Well at least more then my mind, my feet over took my mind, getting me out of there. Which was smart, if I had stayed any longer I might have ringed her little neck. But I didn't, and I felt like I was in control, like I was winning, and at this point I was.

Finally I swing open the door to the gym and throw my bag down. Still wearing my indoor shows I stomp over to the closet and pull open the rusty door. A warm draft blows out, blowing my hair behind me. The smell of old leather and cleaning supplies filled my nose. It was nostalgic, like I had lived here oh so many years but hadn't seen it in forever. I pulled out the volleyballs and the cart screamed with as much anger as I was feeling.

The net was set for practice and I was mad. Very mad, and it was time to get ride off all this pent-up energy. I grabbed a ball then sent it up In to the air. As it came back down I jumped meeting it half way. Then, SMACK! My hand hit the ball and it went flying to the other side of the court. It landed solidly in the middle of the opposite end out the court. Suddenly all my mind new was the ball, the warm smell from the closet, the heat of the approaching summer, and the sting of my hand after the ball sailed to the other side of the court.

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