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As the team discourses into smaller groups as we wait for coach and Naomi to finish up with Kuroo, I sneak out into the sun kissed evening. Looking up at the sun set that painted the sky different shades of purples, pinks, yellows, and oranges, I wonder over to a large Sakura blossom tree. As the wind blows, the blooming buds hold fast with unseen claws.

Even though a bench sat under the tree I climbed on to a low hanging branch (low hanging was actually quite high because of my height). The branch was sturdy and held my weight. I leaned against the tree trunk as I watch the pink blossoms sway in the cool evening breeze.

I'm not sure how much time has passed but suddenly a voice brought me to the real world, "Hey [l/n]-san, what are you doing up there?" It was Kuroo.

"Oh, Hey! I'm just day dreaming why?" I questioned him raising a brow.

He responded with a laugh, "everyone has been looking for you."

Great, just what I needed. I was going to get a sturn talking to from Naomi and Yuki. Before I could hop down another question raised from Kuroo's mouth, "how did you get up there anyway?" I couldn't help but laugh at the confused face he was making. "I know you pulled yourself up," he said, "but, like isn't that really high up, how could you reach. I can reach cause I'm tall but how..."

I stifled a laugh before saying, "Haven't you noticed that I'm tall, mabey not as tall as you but, I can also jump very high, so this was nothing. I also used to climb trees with my older brothers."

Now Kuroo let out a loud laugh, "you do seem like someone who has brothers, do you have any sister's?"

"No," I said very flatly.

After a pause I gathered myself so I could jump down then again was interupted by Kuroo, "do you want help down?"

"Think of me as a cat," I smirked, "I always land on my feet."

"Well aren't cats also known for getting stuck in trees?" he returned the smirk.

I glared down at him in annoyance, "not this cat."

"Just let me help you," he rolled his eyes.

"Fine," I gave in. He held out his arms ready to catch me by the waste. I held on to the branch hanging in front of him for a moment before letting go. When I dropped I was prepared to feel my feet hit the ground hard like normal but instead it was a light feeling, like I had just stepped down onto grass instead of concrete.

What I thought would be a completely innocent action became heated almost instantly. Even after my feet touched the ground Kuroo didn't remove his hands from my sides. When I looked up at him in confusion our eyes met. There was something in his eyes that intrigued me. What looked like lust swam around in his sexy amber orbs pulling me in closer. His signature smirk was gone and was replaced with a serious face that seemed all to sexy for a high schooler.

I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I didn't feel like a young second year, I felt like a woman. All fear was gone and I leaned into him. His chest was hard but warm. His heart was beating faster then my own. This only added to my confidence. I smirked as I rapped my arms around his neck. This was a mistack, this gave him more confidence which lessened my own. He raised his hand to my face running his fingers along my cheek bones. I tilted my head into his hand and he cupped my cheek in response.

I glance back at him as he dropped his hand back down to just above my hip, running his hand down my arm and side the whole way. We slowly leaned into each other, I lifted myself up onto my tip toes and he leaned down. Just as our lips were about to touch the sound of Teturo-sama calling us ended the moment.

We pushed away from each other and Kuroo cleared his throat uncomfortably as I tryed to hide my furious blush. "Hey [n/n], everyone has been looking for you!" She called after us. We both turned to her as she jogs twords us from the gym.

"Sorry, I found her in the tree," he said as we walked back into the gym.

"Why were you," before she could finish she was interrupted by Yuki and Naomi.

They stormed up to me, they didn't look to threatening since I was taller than both of them. "Where have you been?!" the volume of their voices ecoed through out the gym.

Everyone looked over as I said, "in the same tree I always am?" It came out as a question because of how confused I really was. Both of them blushed.

"Well at least tell us next time where you're going," Naomi said sounding like the mother she was.

I smiled down at them then turned to Miku who was now storming up to me. "You're so stupid [f/n]-chan!" she exclaimed as she blinked away her angry tears.

"Hey, weren't you the one who said I was smart?" I laughed out my answer so she knew I was only joking around.

She smiled, "see you are smart, you just got out of two scoldings from your memory alone." I wasn't going to oppose her, I did not want to deal with an angry Miku.

As the commotion died down we all started to walk home in the early spring night. I walked Miku home. "So why was Kuroo talking to the coach anyway?" I asked as we neared her house.

"Oh no one told you," she finally exploded from all the excitement of today, "because they are working on the guys gym, they are going to be practicing with us!" Thus was the last semi-normal day of my life.

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