Chapter 6

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  We began the tour of the underworld on the first floor beside the cafeteria then made our way all the way to the fourth floor in under 20 minutes. He made subtle flirtatious jokes making me nervously bite my lip a few times, but nothing too creepy. I had to admit, I was liking it way too much though. 

   We finished just as the last bell rang, signaling the end of the day for most students, you know, except for me and Ethan. We slowly started making our way towards detention, dreading the moment we stepped foot into that classroom. 

   "So what exactly is this genius plan of yours to make detention entertaining?" I asked suspiciously.

   "Well, its more like an escape plan. Kind of like the one you came up with in Science but a little... um... bloodier."

   My eyes widened at that last word. Bloody. I seriously didn't like where this was going.

   "What? I don't think I can do it. I will literally faint at the sight of blood," I responded truthfully.

   "I was hoping you'd say that. Now hurry up and do it before detention starts. We only have two minutes," he said as we stopped near the colourless classroom in which we would be

enduring two draining and painful hours of pure torture.

   "Do what?!"

   "I never thought I would have to say this. Don't freak out. Holland, please punch me in the face!"

   "Hell no! I don't want to destroy all of this," I exclaimed gesturing to his perfectly structured facial features that glistened under the cheap fluorescent lights of the school corridor.

   "Oh my God! My face is nothing special! Just hit me! Close your eyes and swing as hard as you can!"

   "I can't do it! I'm going to pass out! There has to be a way to fake it or something!"

   "Come on Holland we don't have time!"

   "Nope! I'm not doing it! I can't d-"

   Before I could finish my sentence I felt two large hands pull me in by the waist. Ethan then slowly cradled my face in his hands and kissed me. His lips were warm against mine, making my body shiver and causing me to kiss back for a moment, as if I had forgotten that I'd just met this dude. This flawless, muscular, rugged looking Adonis that looks like he could get any girl with the slightest wink of an eye. I couldn't fathom what was happening so I just stood there in his grasp awkwardly until he pulled away and put his lips to my ear.

   "Yes you can," he whispered.

   I stood there in awe as he prepared himself for the blow. Let me re-phrase that; the hit. As he prepared himself for the hit you little pervs you.

   "Now punch me before I do more than just kiss you," he said cockily.

   "Okay. One. Two. Thre-"

   "Seriously! Don't count down! It only makes it-"

   I interrupted his little spiel with the hardest punch I could throw which, unfortunately for him, was pretty fucking hard. Hard enough to have made both his nose and my hand bleed profusely. The pain began only on the surface of my knuckles and travelled upward, vibrating every nerve in my right arm. I

gazed down upon his bloodied face which was, in fact, smiling.

   "That's my girl," he said through a grunt.

   My girl. I kind of liked the sound of that, how it rang in his voice.

   His loud shouts calling my name were the last sounds I heard before every thing around me seemed to collapse into a vividly painful canvas of pure darkness.

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