Dress Shopping

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The rest of the week went smoothly, with more plans made and finalized for the Halloween party. Professor Slughorn had checked with the other professors and the Headmistress, and the Halloween celebrations had quickly become the most popular discussion in the school.

The simple Halloween party had morphed into a costume party for the younger students earlier in the day and a dance for the older ones later that night. The entire school was invited, though the smaller costume party was reserved for first through fourth years, and the dance was for fifth, sixth, and seventh.

"We should find some dresses during the Hogsmeade trip," said Lily, sitting in front of the fireplace. "It's only in a few hours, and I can't wait."

"I'm surprised that they pulled this whole thing together in such a short amount of time," Louis stated.

"Me too," their cousin, Lucy, replied thoughtfully.

Lucy Weasley was sixteen - the same age as Louis - and a Ravenclaw, unlike most of the Potter-Weasley clan. Because almost all of the Weasleys and Potters were in Gryffindor, she was in their common room almost as much as her own.

"I'm so excited," Lily exclaimed. "Of course, Al will probably kill whoever I go with, so I can't be too happy with that."

"Speaking of Al, I'm surprised he hasn't asked Emilia to the dance yet. We all know that he likes her and she likes him," Rose grinned. "Your brother can be quite thick sometimes."

"Yes he can," Lily agreed, rolling her eyes jokingly. "We have to talk some sense into him."

Later that day, Rose, Lucy, and Lily walked across the streets of Hogsmeade, looking for a place to buy their dresses. Actually, what really happened, was that Lily dragged Rose towards the dress shop while Lucy laughed her head off.

A bell tinkled softly as the girls stepped inside. Dresses in every shade decorated the walls and jewelry was laid out in cases. Being herself, Lily immediately walked towards the brightest, most glittery ones there.

Lily reached towards the rack of dresses and grabbed several at random. The first was frighteningly short and bright bubblegum pink.

"Do you really want Al to kill you?" Asked Rose with a smirk.

The next few were almost the same shade of red as both Lily and Rose's hair, and were put back immediately.

"You're lucky you have brown hair," Lily said to Lucy as they looked through the dresses. "You could wear anything here."

"Well, this would be pretty on you, Lucy said, handing her a black dress. "It's a Halloween party, not the Yule Ball."

"I wish we could have a Yule Ball!" Lily exclaimed. "I know it won't happen because they aren't having the Triwizard Tournament anymore, but I wish we could have one!"

They continued to look through the dresses, but they all ended getting similar black dresses in the spirit of Halloween. They paid for the clothing and went to exit the shop, but before they could, Emilia burst into the shop.

"Al asked me to go with him to the Halloween dance!" She exclaimed, full of excitement.

"Finally!" Rose said, clapping her hands together.

"It took him long enough," Lily grinned.

"You knew about it and you didn't tell me?" Emilia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course we didn't tell you," Rose said. "We needed it to be a surprise, and now we know it definitely was one."

AN: Sorry it took me so long to update and for the short chapter! Also, when did this get to over 900 reads? That's crazy! Thank you all so much.

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