Chapter 6

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Jay decided that he wanted to go to the house again to see if he could find anything else. Jay went by himself since last time you went you got attacked. You told Jay to call you once he got back in his car and out of the house. You were now back at your house taking a long deserved shower. You were going to pack up a bag of clothes just in case because you did not like being in this house. It's been about maybe an hour and you still haven't heard from him. Thinking that he was just taking his time you didn't worry about it and got out of the shower. Getting dressed you decided to only pack what you could fit in a backpack seeing as it didn't look as weird as carrying a suitcase everywhere you went. You shoved clothing and everything else you would need like your toothbrush.

Since Alex still hasn't gotten back to you, you decided to walk over to Tim's and see if he's home. Knocking on the door, you got no response. So you decided that he just wasn't home and got a cab to take you back to Jay's apartment.

Getting out of the cab you paid the nice man and used the key Jay gave you, you walked right on in. You slipped off your shoes to see Jay's camera on the table. You walk into his room to see him fast asleep, walking over to him you shook him awake.

"Hey, what happened at the house?" He gave you a weird look.

"I didn't go to any house, I don't even remember where I was today actually." You shook your head and went to go grab the tape. After setting it up you showed him it.

The Tape-

Jay walked into the house and opened the downstairs hall closet. Hearing noises upstairs he goes over to the steps, seeing the weird white doll again he walks up the steps. Once up at the top he looks behind him to make sure no one is there. Entering the bathroom he sees that the blood in the sink is now gone. Turning his head, as well as the camera, he sees the masked figure peeking his head around the corner. Chasing after him he follows him down the hallway only to have the door slammed in his face. Opening the door he finds that no one seems to be in the room, He sees a bottle of pills that have been knocked over. Hearing the door shut behind him he swings his body around to see the door completely shut behind him. Opening the door he runs through it expecting it to be the hallway, just ti be brought to another room. Checking to make sure he wasn't delusional he goes through the same doors once more. The video tears as he looks down at the doll for a second. Cutting to him looking down the stairs. Continuously looking around he enters the room in front of him. The screen goes black and the audio starts to mess up. A high pitch buzz goes once and Jay finds himself shut in the hall closet that still had the pillows in it. Opening the hall closet he sees the door in front of him slam shut, the mask of the mysterious man left hanging on the door. Heavy static carries into the audio as he runs down into darkness. When light becomes visible it shows Jay in the collapsed building that both Alex and Seth were in in the other film. As Jay explores the crumbled rooms he comes to the same steps that were on the tape. Static and visual casualties are obvious throughout the underground adventure. Cautiously going up the steps, Jay reaches the top exploring around until he finds the same tube like object that Alex and Seth did. Jay points the camera upwards only to be greeted by the faceless man in the suit 


Jay grabbed his head and started rocking back and forth. "Why don't I remember any of this Y/N?" You rubbed his back.

"Maybe that thing is making you forget stuff, Jay." He nodded and started tearing up.

"I don't want to keep forgetting stuff Y/N" This time you hugged him.

"I know Jay, I know." You pat his head. "Everything will be okay. Trust me" He just nodded and didn't let go. You two stayed like that for a while until Jay sniffled and let go.  Jay ran off to his bedroom to get something. Coming back out with a wallet he offered you to a fast food dinner. Making sure he brought his camera and extra stuff like tapes and whatever. You grabbed your backpack since your phone was already in it.

"C'mon slow poke, I'm hungry" Jay nodded and followed you out of his apartment. Getting in his car, he backed out of the parking lot and decided just to take you to the closest (Favorite fast food place) 

Time Skip

Once you two arrived you ordered your food and waited. You two were the only people there, other than the employees of course. Sitting in a booth you sat across from one another. Your number was called as soon as Jay's phone rang, getting up and offering to get the food he thanked you and picked up his phone. You came back with two trays, Jay had his head in his hands.

"It looks like we're staying at a hotel tonight" You almost dropped the food, luckily you were able to hold yourself together.

"Wait, why? what happened?" He sighed and looked down at his hands.

"My apartment building was just on the news for being caught on fire. I think it was meant for us to either leave or get hurt. Maybe a warning." You sighed and nodded. You pulled out your phone and frowned as Jay ate his food. You've called and texted Tim multiple times but he never answered back. At first, you thought he was just busy, but now you think he blocked your number and moved away. Or at least something like that. Brushing off the thought you decided to just eat your food. Not that you had much of an appetite. Once you were done you gave the rest of your food to Jay since he was still hungry. When he was done the both of you decided to look for a hotel.

Another Time Skip

Jay and you both decided that the most amount of time that the two of you would spend in a hotel is three days max. As you two both got comfy in Separate beds because the room was open. Jay had cameras set up all around the room. Feeling a lot safer in this random location you fell asleep peacefully. After a few weeks, the both of you began to feel a lot safer. Jay's memory has been alot better and we've both been a lot less paranoied. Deciding that maybe since it's for the best, You both gave up the search on Alex and Brian. Although you loved both of them dearly it would end up killing you if you both continued looking.

*Don't worry there will be more. It's story plot. It's also entry #26 on youtube. Where he calins that we will stop but doooooooon't worry about a thiiing.*

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