Chapter 7

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It's been a few weeks since you and Jay both decided that you would be moving place to place. You were completely fine with everything other than that fact that you still haven't heard from Tim.But Jay was telling you how he was doing a lot better with his memory, saying he can recall almost everything.

Maybe about a week passed before you got a weird text message from an unknown number.

Unknown: 41817 -(Note: I had to change the number due to the year)

Jay automatically said that it had to be a date;  April 18th, 2017 which so happened to be today. Jay started packing up saying that we needed to leave and that we weren't safe here. Agreeing you both got ready to leave, Jay opened the door to see if there was anyone out in the hallway and found something at the foot of the door. Just a small box, scared to open it you placed it on the bed.

Jay took his pocket knife and opened the box, in it was a singular tape and on the back, written in sharpie was "Watch This". Jay started pacing,  he was going to have a breakdown.

"They've known where we've been this entire time!" Jay was losing it, going to grab his shoulder to calm him down he turned around very quickly knocking you down. He apologized and sat on the bed.

"Jay, we're not going to get anywhere if we stay here worrying." He nodded quietly and brought all his stuff to the car. Before officially leaving Jay decided to play the Tape.


At first and was a long, dragged out distorted tone with static interfering every once in a while flashing random images. After that was over it was a video of someone walking around a nicely lit house, everything looked normal. You noticed that the date was 4-4-17. Two weeks ago.As the footage kept going around the house it finally showed Alex sitting on the couch.

"So when did this happen?" A feminine voice spoke from behind the camera. Alex didn't even look up from his laptop.

"When did what happen?" The female sounded almost annoyed.

"When did we get a camera?" There was no response. "Alex, come on." Alex finally looked up.

"We don't have a camera." Almost singing her response, the lady alex has been living with was happy about finding this equipment.

"Yes we do." Alex remained calm but looked paranoid.

"Where did you find that?" She giggled, 

"In the closet" She paused and looked at his reaction. "There was a tape already in it but it was messed up or something. I don't know " Alex was tensing up as he spoke.

"Um, that's probably my old camera from college. I probably just stuck it back in there when we moved. I was going to sell it." The female sighed.

"But I thought we didn't have a camera." Alex was getting annoyed

"Look. It doesn't matter. I'm going to sell it. Just please put it back and stop recording." Sighing she tried to fool Alex.

"Fine i'm not recording anymore." Alex rolled his eyes.

"I can still see the light."

"Are you okay Alex?" She sounded worried.

"I'm fine, just put it back. Please." She sighed once more.

"You're in a really odd mood right now." She sighed and spoke once more. "Fine." She turned around to return the camera to its original location. Once she fully turned she saw the tall man in a suit. Alex screamed for her to run and she ran as fast as she could up the steps. Alex followed close behind her. 

"Climb out the window and get to the road. I'll be right behind you

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