Chapter 10

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The second you told Jay about the Park he was rushing you out of the hotel room hurrying to the car. You remembered that it was called 'Rosswood Park' Jay nodded as he drove just like last time. Silent and boring.

You two got to the park and realized that it was split into two parts, upon entry it was a normal open field and playground for little kids to play and run around. Later finding out that once you got near the forest it was an entrance to a bunch of trails. As you two walked towards the entrance Jay took the crumpled, yellow paper that read 'trail' and showed it to the camera. 

As you two walked the trails started to get very slim almost completely covered by leaves. Jay looked behind you guys and saw someone walking too close for comfort behind you two. He continued walking forward and looked back once again trying to zoom in on the hooded figure but it was hard to focus so we started running hoping it wasn't the masked man. We only ran ahead a little bit, once we slowed Jay noticed that he was across from us but only by less than 6 feet. The guy ran, and so did we. We stopped and looked at this weird septic thing just randomly in the middle of the woods when sticks broke behind us. Turning around the strange masculine figure too close for comfort. You thought you saw the mask but you were too scared to pay attention so you both ran as fast as you could. Once you guys were out of sight you hid behind a tree to catch your breath. From the resting spot, you could see the man that was chasing us follow a path which appeared to be leading to the outskirts of the forest. You both watched him walk off into the distance, just to be safe. As he disappeared behind the hill you both agreed that it was okay to keep moving forward.

You two walked through the creepy woods that had tons of vines crawling up all the trees. You guys had gone down multiple trails all of them ending at some point due to natural reasons. Like a tree falling or something. Sometimes just piles or old scrap metal and trash blocking the path. As you two followed one of the last remaining trails you found a small creek, it was peaceful and it made you pretty happy. It started to rain slightly and you starting wondering why you would leave your umbrella in the car. Jay turned around to see the guy from before with his back facing you and his head down. Jay seemed annoyed and started Marching up to the man. You tried stopping him but it didn't work. Then he started yelling.

"Hey!" The man still didn't turn around. As Jay continued getting closer to the man you followed close behind him. "Excuse me?". The hooded man still stood perfectly still and oblivious. Jay started going up the hill that the man was on. Once he was about maybe a little less than 9 feet away he repeated himself. "Hey!" Still completely calm, Jay was beyond annoyed at the ignorance of this person. As Jay got back onto the trail and on the same level of ground as him he speaks once again. "Excuse me?" Still, nothing. Jay now close enough that he could touch the man he asked, "Are you okay?" No response once again. Tapping his shoulder while saying another small "Excuse me" the man finally turned around. He had his earbuds, so that's why he couldn't hear us.

The guy gave Jay an attitude. "Can I help you?" Jay looked down.

"Um, no" All his confidence now drained from the aggravated man. "Sorry, I thought you were someone else." Bedore Jay could even finish his sentence the man starts walking away. Continuously looking back at you two. You both sighed and started walking in the other direction. Since the rain was getting worse and you were shaking and Jay couldn't stop looking around you both decided that it'd be best to go back to the hotel.

-small time skip-

You walked up the small flight of steps and walked down the hallway. All you wanted to do was take a warm shower and relax. You were cold and tired. You really didn't want to have a ten-minute conversation with Jessica right now. Just when you were about to open the door Jay knocks on Jessica's door. Mentally beating his ass you stood there not wanting to leave Jay alone with her, you didn't trust her and her weird noises at night. An angry Jessica opens the door.

"What do you want?" Why was everyone mad at Jay today? Once again Jay sunk back into his shell.

"Um, nothing." he paused before standing up straight. "Well okay, this might sound weird but do you know anything about the park's around here?" She seemed confused.

"Parks?" Jay nodded.

"Yeah." She shrugged and slouched a bit.

"I mean there's a few of them. Any in particular?" She sounded annoyed. You kinda tugged on Jay's jacket trying t hint him to leave her alone but he ignored you.

"Uh, the one. It's off of.. uh what's the road? it's called Rosswood road, I think." She just stared at him.

"I don't know." You whispered to him that it was Rosswood Park. nodding he smiled at her.

"No, wait. It's actually calledRosswood Park. It's pretty big, have you heard of it?"

"I mean. I may have been there as a kid, but nothing comes to mind." Jay sighed.

"Nothing at all?" Jessica shook her head.

"No, why are you asking?" Once again, Jay had to lie.

"I'm just curious. I just got here so I'm looking for a good area to start apartment hunting or something." Jessica gave him the weirdest look.

"You just got here?" Jay nodded.

"Yeah, my job relocated me and now I'm looking for-" Jessica looked pissed.

"No, you told me your house was being renovated." Jay started to panic.

"No, I didn't. Why would I say that?" Getting angry Jessica knew he was lying.

"Yes, you did." Jay was almost shaking at this point.

"No, maybe you misheard me or something" She shook her head.

"No, I didn't" Jay just gave up.

"Nevermind. I'm sorry. I'm obviously bothering you. I'm just going to go back to my room" You were so close to a shower now. As Jay walked to his left, towards the door Jessica called his name. You were going to cry, all you wanted was a damn shower. But now it was Jay's turn to be annoyed. "What?"

"Have you been feeling alright." Now this time you said something.

"Yes, he's fine." But they both ignored you. Jay nudged you a bit before answering.

"Yeah, why?" Jessica didn't like your response but ignored you once again.

"Nothing's up?"Jay shrugged, shaking his head slightly.

"I mean I haven't been sleeping well, but I never sleep well when I'm in hotels." Then she asked something interesting.

"You haven't been having any type of memory loss, have you?" Jay tensed but only slightly.

"No." She pushed herself almost all the way behind her door before saying an 'Alright' and slammed the door. The second Jay opened the door he went into the bathroom and you heard the shower running.

"Jay i swear to fucking god get your ass out here i'm showering first." You heard slight laughter and a small 'you're welcome to join' and you started calling him names like nasty and perv. He just contiued laughing. Was it too late to ask Jessica to use her shower?

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