Chapter 11

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Jay was doing research on the park while you were reading old messages that you and Tim had before he completely left. Since there was a knocking at the door you open it to see a very distressed Jessica. Jay came up right next to you, camera in hand.

"What are you doing?" Jessica stared at the camera intently.

"Just seeing who's at the door." Jay seemed very relaxed, but then again he wasn't lying this time.

"With a camera?" Jay kinda shrugged.

"Well, it was already in my hand, I was just about to start filming " She shook her head,

"Look, Jay, I know you're lying. First, you tell me some stupid thing about a documentary, then you tell me your house was being renovated, but then you told me your job was relocated.  What is going on?" Jay sighed.

"It's, it's complicated." Jessica shook her head once more.

"You're not acting like a normal person." Jay was now getting defensive.

"Well, what does it matter to you, you're a stranger." She looked around.

"I think something's going on. I know something is going on." Jay had no reactions to what she was saying.

"Like what?" She started freaking out.

"I don't know how I got here. You're the only two people I've seen in this hotel other than staff. And we have connecting rooms, I don't even know you. You said it yourself, I'm a stranger. Haven't had any type or memory loss at all?" Jessica gripped her hair, she looked as if she was about to cry. "I think I'm going crazy. I'm losing huge chunks of time." she didn't stop talking. "I'm having pounding headaches, and coughing fits, and I can't sleep well, but when I do sleep I feel like I'm sleep walking. And I keep having these weird dreams where I'm a little kid and someone is watching me." Jay finally cut her off.

"Stop." She just looked at him for a moment.

"What?" She was breathless. Jay sighed.

"Look, Jessica, I'll tell you everything, but just give a few minutes to process this all in my head and get it straight." He paused for a moment. "I'll be in there soon. You should probably start packing because we're all leaving tonight." She just nodded and slowly backed up into her room. "Leave the door open"

Time skippy

You and Jay had already packed all of your stuff in the car only going one at a time so nothing would happen to Jessica. As Jay opened the door you followed closely behind him. We both walked into Jessica's room to see it completely destroyed. Jay continued to call out for her, looking for any of her personal items but nothing was there. Jay found a safe in Jessica's room he looked at it and sighed. You guess it triggered him seeing another case. He found a piece of paper labeled "Combination: 1102" He tried it on Jessica's safe but it didn't work. He quickly ran into our old room and tried it on our safe. The safe beeped as it opened. Inside the safe, there were just tapes neatly stacked on top of one another in multiple piles. Jay handed you the camera as he started stashing as many tapes as he could into his bag. You screamed as you saw the masked man in the hotel, in front of you none the less. Jay quickly got up and you both ran down the hallway the man chased you down the entire hallway until you both were outside the hotel. Although Jay didn't want to leave Jessica he couldn't put either of you at risk so we both piled into the car. Jay sighed as you two had to look for a new hotel. Not really looking forwards to watching all the tapes.

~~ Once you two find a new hotel~~ :D

Jay was putting all the tapes in order, Jay kept telling you to sleep so he could go through the tapes and find important stuff but you wanted to watch them with him and refused. Sighing he put the ones that didn't have an order to them in a separate pile for later.

Tape 1-

It was Jay stating that it was April 21st, 2017 it's 3:56 pm. You remembered this, it was when both you and Jay went to go track, where that strange package came from that, was indicating that Alex was still alive. It was Jay explaining everything, however since we got the package we didn't stay anywhere for too long. Or how the return address was only about twenty minutes away from the hotel room. Not really knowing where he was going you focused more on where you two were heading. The sky was gray, almost like it was going to rain. Thunder boomed through the sky as you walked down a walkway towards the house. It was a small brick house that looked abandoned because of the emptiness and the graffiti on the outside, right before you entered the door. The inside was all broken down, cement everywhere. The ceiling collapsing, the window panes all broken. There seemed to be empty shelves to the left of the building. Other than all the debris, the very the small cottage-like house there was really nothing there. The silence broke when the sound of something scraping the outside of the house erupted. The window covered by a loose garbage bag had a noise coming from that area, but as the wind blew the bag lifted up exposing the now uncovered view showing no one was there. Jay took a step towards the window, carefully placing his feet panning the camera around the small space to make sure he doesn't miss anything. Jay turned around and walked towards the collapsed shelving, looking out the window it was now raining heavier than before. Jay looked back, turning around and started to enter the small room that was very dark. A small amount of light that came from the closed off exit and the window his back was now facing. As he descended a loud scraping noise rung again this time louder than before. Darting backward Jay pushed you out of the way and looked for the source of the sound. Seeing no one Jay gave a small sigh. He stepped back out into the entrance room the camera pointed at the disheveled, cluttered floor and walked back into the darkened room he was previously in. Before he could even make it two steps in he decided he didn't want to be here any longer and turned around, motioning for you to follow him. As you both stepped out the door into the rain thunder boomed throughout the sky.


Jay pulled out a tape the had 'Part two' written on it. "I knew there was more to that house." In all honesty, you only remembered bits and pieces of things that have happened. You remember going there and the rain. Not the noises or Jay pushing you out of the way. Not really knowing what has happened the past months watching these tapes might help. Jay put in the next tape and sat back down next to you.

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