Chapter 9

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Jay sat in the running car just gripping the steering wheel, not going anywhere.

"Jay are you okay?" He ignored you and backed out of the hotel parking lot. You two drove around for maybe an hour and it was completely silent. 

"Do you think it is weird that Jessica is the only person that we have met in the entire hotel other than staff?" You never really thought about it, shrugging you continued to look out the window. You two passed a nicely sized park but Jay didn't pay attention to any of it. Jay decided that it was about time to head back to the hotel and explore around the room a little more and check his footage and stuff.

Once you two were back in the room Jay immediately went onto his computer finding a weird folder on his hard-drive, the footage was labeled 'no entry'

The Entry-

it was a high pitch static noise that was ringing in the background as the person holding the camera was running through the woods. It seemed like a pathway seeing as all the trees were like a canopy over a single, small dirt path. It cut to the camera looking down at what looked like blood, the static still there. You could see another hand-held camera in the main camera's view. Backing away from the puddle of blood mixed with rain water it seemed like they were in some type of tunnel.  The camera started to move and turn to the left, following the rust colored water on the edge of the grey-ringed tunnel. They ran to a bloodied rag that was lying in the puddle of rust. He touched a stone that had fresh, still wet blood. As he turned the camera he saw the tall figure at the entrance of the tunnel. The static became higher pitched as the camera focused on the faceless figure. The camera stayed on the figure, shaking as the man came closer. Then it cut to black.


You and Jay just stared at the screen unsure what to do. You didn't want to ask how it got there because he was obviously shocked as well. Rubbing the back of your neck you were going to ask him something but he slammed his laptop shut. Jay stood up and decided that you two needed stuff from the store so he decided to drag you along with him, probably to get the video off of his mind. You knew all of this was starting to get to him and you felt bad. You really wished that he didn't have to be a part of this but it was too late for that. You wished all of this was normal, or some sort of prank. Sadly, it wasn't no matter how much you wanted to believe it was.

-Small time skip-

You were putting the food away in the mini-fridge so it wouldn't spoil when someone knocked on the door. Jay grabbed his camera and opened the door. It was Jessica. She noticed the remaining groceries at the entrance of the door.

"Oh, so you're a hotel hermit?" Jay stood there oblivious.

"A what?" Jessica rolled her eyes and laughed.

"A hermit. People don't normally bring groceries to a hotel." You snorted and she peered over his shoulder to look at you. Jay kinda shrugged.

"Well, you know, I guess not." Jessica nodded.

"What are you doing here, you've been here a while?" You rolled your eyes. 'Didn't she ask this yesterday?' You thought.

"Um, it's my house." You immediately facepalmed. 'Great going Jay'. She gave him a weird look.

"The hotel" She was getting skeptical at this point, you could tell. Jay realized this nd tried to fix his mistake.

"No, not like, my house, it's being renovated" She nodded her head, saying 'Oh' to his excuse. "So like, I'm staying here until it's fixed So, yeah. What about you? You've been here a while." She shrugged a bit.

"I got kicked out" Once again you snorted at the thought of what did she do to get kicked out.

"Kicked out?" Jay wasn't really sure what to say to that. She nodded making a small 'mm-hm' sound

"Yeah, I'm just staying here until I find a new place." Jay nodded kindly,

"Oh, okay." He paused thinking about his next response. "um, why'd you get kicked out?" Jessica looked down slightly then looked back up at him

"I don't want to talk about it." Jay kinda backed up a bit.

"Oh, ok. That's fine." Jessica nodded a bit awkwardly and backed up as well.

"Well, I'm going to get to work." Jay nodded and closed the door. Jay came back in and helped you put away some of the paper towels and toilet paper and such. You had finished ages ago, so you helped him out a bit.

"What's your problem with Jessica?" He asked out of nowhere. You shrugged.

"I don't mean to offend your girlfriend but she's acting weird." Jay nudged you slightly.

"She's not my girlfriend." You laughed. "But what do you mean?" 

"Strange noises come from her room every night and she seems just as paranoid as you do." Jay shrugged but nodded.

"I hear the noises too but I don't know about the paranoid thing Y/n." You shrugged.

"I don't know, I don't really like anyone anyways so it might just be that. But great job at lying, next time I'll do it so you don't have to lie to your girlfriend." Jay huffed and pushed your arm. He mumbled a small 'Whatever' and you went to go get ready for bed because you were feeling beat. Before you could completely fall asleep Jay was asking about the trail in the entry on his computer, you only saw the one park with woods around it, the entire time you two drove around. Deciding to tell Jay tomorrow you went to bed.

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