Chapter 8

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You weren't sure where you and Jay were, For the past few months everything has been a blur. You woke up in a dimly lit room and since you woke up before Jay you looked outside the door to see multiple other doors with keycard slots. Assuming that this place was some sort of hotel or apartment complex you decided to go back into the room and set up cameras for Jay.

Hearing weird noises next door you went over and knocked only to get no response. You tried to see if they possibly left the door open but they didn't. Seeing a girl walk down the hallway towards you, you quickly ran back into your shared room to see a worried Jay looking out the window. He looks over at you and sighs.

"Looks like we're back at square one" Jay started rubbing his temples in a circular motion. Deciding to get out of the hotel for some fresh air. You both walked past the front desk and Jay said that he was going to elongate the stay so we could figure out what our next step would be. Jay was just trying to find out where we were so we both just piled in the car to look around for any landmarks. Jay was going on about how there was a body attached camera thing, that he has never seen in his life, but he decided that he would wear it since he was the one driving. He stopped at this almost canyon-like place and just looked at the running water from behind a chain-linked fence. Neither of you knew the area you were in, but you knew that you were both still in Calfornia due to the tags on peoples' cars. 

You told Jay that it'd be better if you both just went back to the hotel to just go and figure things out. He tried to argue but you won and both headed back to the hotel. Walking in the side door using your key, just to avoid the front desk, you made your way up to the second floor taking the dark metal stairs tot your left. As you walked down the hallway the girl from earlier walked out of her room walking in your direction. You both passed by her, she gave you a look as you walked by but you kept quiet and followed behind Jay. Taking two tries to open the hotel room, Jay let you walk in first and closed the door behind the both of you. Jay brought up the idea of laying low but you ignored him.

"Obviously this whole laying low thing isn't working, why don't we just leave?" you sighed and started packing some things just in case. Jay gave you an irritated look.

"It will follow us no matter what so maybe not moving may be good." You laughed sarcastically, you knew this was going to turn into an argument.

"Last time we felt safe we found out Alex was still alive, and it still knew where we were." Jay Slammed his laptop shut.

"Unless you get your own car, you're stuck with me Y/n. So suck it up and shut your mouth, I'm so sick of you trying to change the plan!" His voice escalated towards the end.

"You're such an ass Jay, I'm going for a walk." You grabbed your phone and walked out the door slamming  it shut behind you. Deciding not to go far you just sat in Jay's car since he left it unlocked. You sat in there for a good half an hour, getting bored you knew that Jay was the only person left that you could actually talk to without sounding like a lunatic. You walked back up the stairs and opened the hotel room to see everything everywhere. "Jay, what happened in here?" He grabbed his head.

"I was trying to find a reason for waking up here or at least something to remember." he went over to him and rubbed his back.

It's okay, we'll be leaving in a few days so hopefully, we'll find some clues." He just nodded and stood up to go look out the window. You plugged in your phone and started to make your bed since Jay destroyed it. Jay had a bottle of some type of medication sitting on the dresser, looking closer you realized it was just ibuprofen next to it was a key and a flashlight. 

For almost about ten minutes now Jay has been messing with this safe, but the bad part was after four tries it locks out 15 minutes making it very time-consuming. Jay got up frustrated and decided to leave the room with the attached camera strap still on him. Chasing after him you followed him out the door. He had his car keys in his hand so you assumed he was going to continue driving around again. As the girl next door, she decided to stop,

"What's that?" It takes Jay a second to stop, at first you thought he was going to ignore her.

"What's what?" She stepped closer,

"What's that under your jacket?" You saw Jay tense up.

"Oh, it's a, uh, camera." She nodded and smiled.

"What's it for?" Jay scratched his head awkwardly

"Uh, you know, making videos of things." She gave him a weird look and he continued. "Uh, it's a documentary I'm shooting." You laughed a bit, and he completely ignored you. She realized what he was talking about and responded with an 'oh' "Yeah, it's a documentary I'm shooting" Jay was almost reminding himself at this point.

"What's it about?" She started messing with her pockets a bit. You wanted to hit Jay for what he said next.

"Uh, hotels" He could barely speak at this point. You wanted to just pull him away from the conversation. Who would believe that? The girl gave a small laugh.

"Makes sense." Jay just nodded.

"Yeah, so-" She cut him off

"Well, I'm Jessica. Nice to meet you." Jay nodded.

"I'm Jay and this is Y/n" He shook her hand and her smile faded as he said your name. She repeated his name and he gave her a weird look.

"What" She shrugged

"It sounded familiar, I don't know" Interested Jay dug deeper into the topic.

"How so?" She laughed uncomfortably 

"Have you been in something I've seen?" Jay almost looked annoyed at that statement.

"Unless you know I've done something that I don't know about." she laughed again. "Yeah so, I guess it's kind of a common name but um, we gotta get going so um-" Jessica nodded 

"Oh yeah, sure" She smiled as they both started to walk away.

"It was nice to meet you, though." They both smiled at each other 

"Nice to meet you too" She turned around towards her door as Jay said a small 'yeah' and walked the other way, you following close behind him.

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