1- "I Wasn't Aware I Passed the Test.....That I Also Wasn't Aware Of."

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Tyler point of View (POV)

I woke up groggily to a knock at my new apartment door.

Who knocks on your door at four in the morning? I wondered, heading for the door.

Oh dear. I did pay the rent right? I panicked, peeking through the eyehole of the door.

I saw a blonde girl, probably my age, dressed in a dark purple hoodie and skinny jeans. She had chocolate brown eyes and light pink lipstick on.

Don't get it twisted, I pay attention to details.

Hesitantly, I opened the door, "Hello?"

"Hi, Tyler! My name is Chloe Rogers and I'm so sorry to bother you at this hour but I'm here to notify you that you got a job at Jared's Publishing."

I blinked, "I think you have the wrong Tyler. I don't recall applying for-"

Chloe lunged at me and tied his wrists at lightning speed. She looked at me apologetically, "This will all make sense later." She pressed a cloth against my face and I blacked out.


I woke up in a room. I checked my wrists and ankles first, confused to find they weren't tied or chained to anything.

I sat up and looked around the room from my seat on the bed. It was a pretty plain room. Pale blue walls, white trim, blue curtains, a bedside table and a desk.

A voice brought me out of my thoughts, "Oh good, you're up," Chloe entered the room.

"Chloe?" I asked, trying to grasp anything familiar.

Chloe paused, her face scrunched up, "Come with me, Tyler."

I stayed on the bed. Chloe sighed, "Tyler, I get that you don't really trust me right now, and you have every right not to, but I promise you everything will make sense if you just follow me."

I groaned, I don't really have many options, do I?

I stood up and followed Chloe. We passed several rooms until we got to a big common room with many more hallways leading who knows where. A girl with half of her hair black and the other half a fading purple-blonde approached us.

"Jenna!" She exclaimed. "Good job last night, Pixie."

"Wait, what?" I asked confused, looking at the blonde girl next to me. "Your name is Jenna?!"

Chloe- Jenna- I don't even know - winced, "Chloe was an alias."

I looked at her, noticing her formerly chocolate brown eyes were now a bright shocking blue. "So you lie to me about your name and expect me to trust you?"

The girl with two hair colors stiffened, "You didn't tell him?"

"I was going to have Brendon do it."

"Jenna! Tyler is your responsibility."

"I know, Melanie, but you know how bad I am at explaining stuff."

I watched them talk about me like I was a child. Melanie huffed, "Well then let's go. Brendon and Ryan are about to go to a meeting in a bit so we better hurry up."

Jenna nodded and rushed after Melanie, I sighed and followed slowly."This doesn't answer my question," I said.

"Neither if us have weapons on us. It's forbidden to have weapons on you in here unless you're in your room or training."

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