2- "So, Pretty Much I'm Going After a Crazy Cat Lady."

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Tyler POV

Jenna took a deep breath, "So, about three years ago, I brought in this guy named Joshua William Dun. He was one of our best agents that never went on the field. He stayed at base because at the time, newbies had to stay for about a year and a half before going out."

"Let's just say, Josh didn't like that," Melanie piped up.

Jenna nodded feverishly, "He used to be fun to be around, if you needed someone, he'd be there. Both for emotional and physical reasons."

My eyes widened, that didn't really sound right. Jenna realized what she said and she immediately corrected herself, "Not like that! I mean like if you were going to get in a fight with someone at base he would beat them up for you."

I let out a sigh of relief, "That statement was very horrifying for a moment there."

"Anyways," Melanie continued. "Josh started to become hostile after a year of being here. He wanted to leave the base and we couldn't let him until he stayed for six more months. He tried leaving, but we didn't let him."

"We knew he would try to get out and maybe kill anyone in his way. So one night, a girl named Debby and I bound, blindfolded, and gagged him and got him out of base. This wasn't the first time an agent went rogue, so Debby was going to take him to the others, and," Jenna's voice cracked. "I was originally the one supposed to take Josh away, since I brought him in the first place."

Melanie took the story from there, "Brendon and some others were deciding that Jenna would come back from bringing Josh and they would keep her isolated, only able to wash the agents' uniforms. Debby talked to Ryan and told him her plan to take Josh herself because Jenna would most likely be dead if she went, and Josh was never hostile towards Debby. Debby never came back."

"So Brendon gave me another chance. He said if I could bring in an agent that could capture Josh and retrieve Debby if she was still alive, he'd let me keep my job and not be put into isolation," Jenna said.

"Fun fact time!" Melanie exclaimed, trying to lighten the mood. "Josh loved cats. I swear he had like, ten t-shirts of cats in space. No joke."

"So, pretty much I'm going after a crazy cat lady," I said.

Melanie shrugged and nodded. "Josh always dyed his hair. Last I saw him, it was blue I think," Jenna said.

"He played the trumpet then he started playing drums," Melanie said randomly.

"He and the other rogues call themselves the Fueled by Ramen Association," Jenna said.

They spurted off random facts about this Josh guy until Melanie squealed, "I remember Debby and I got him drunk once, and he told us his kinks!"

Jenna whipped her head around to face Melanie so fast I was afraid she might've gotten whiplash, "And you tell me this now? Spit it out, I want to know."

Melanie smirked, "Well, he has a daddy kink, handcuff kink, and some other shit I don't remember. Debby was the only one sober then. I remember he also said he was attracted to people who could sing, and play more than one instrument. He has a weird taste in people."

"People?" I asked.

"Yeah, he was bisexual," Jenna shrugged. "Not that big of a deal. Melanie is pan and I'm straight."

"Alright then. That was more information than I needed to know," I squirmed in my seat.

I realized they talked about Josh in past tense, as if he was already dead. But he's not dead I thought. Because I'm supposed to capture him.

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