3- "You Were Always a Crybaby."

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Josh POV

I waited for Melanie to answer the call. Ashley was seething behind me, "Josh I don't see why we don't just get into the signal and find out their location."

"Patience, Ashley. They're not stupid enough to make their location so easy to find. Probably have a secret server."

Ashley snorted, "Even the private ones get their energy from somewhere."

Melanie answered the Skype call. She was in the same room she was always in when I called. Melanie immediately noticed Ashley and glared at her. Ashley scoffed. She flipped Melanie off and walked to her office and slammed the door.

I chuckled quietly, "What's the scoop, Melanie?"

Melanie swallowed, "They've recruited a new agent."

I raised an eyebrow, "Why?"

"So Jenna could prove herself."

"Jenna was always a little attention whore," My friend Hayley shouted from her office.

Melanie's stare hardened, she clenched her jaw, "Whoa there, Dolly. Calm down."

Melanie glared at me, "Agent's name?" I asked.

"I don't know," She mumbled.

"I said their name," I growled.

"Tyler!" Melanie squeaked.

"Tyler?" I implied for her to give me a last name.

"I don't know."

"C'mon, Melanie."

"I don't know, honest," Melanie protested.

"Melanie, we don't have all day."

Melanie mumbled something under her breath, "What was that?" I asked innocently.

"His last name is Joseph."

"Tyler Joseph," The name rolled off of my tongue.

Melanie nodded sheepishly. "It's okay to cry, Melanie. It's just us two."

"And me!" Ashley called out.

"And me!" Hayley shouted.

Melanie glared at me, and I knew she was trying to hold back tears. I knew her well enough to to tell her facade was going to break. A single tear rolled down her cheek, "There there, Melanie," I said in feigned sympathy. "You always were a crybaby."

I've put too much stress on her, what with me leaving and turning against her and everyone else.

"That's why they call you Crybaby," Gerard appeared in a doorway.

"But I don't fucking care," Melanie snapped.

"Whoa, Dolly. Language. You've been a good deal of help today. One last thing," I said.

"What?" Melanie snarled.

"What is Tyler there for?"

There was a pause, "He's here for technology training."

I knew it was a lie, but I decided not to push it. "Thank you, Melanie. Until next time."

I ended the call. Gerard sat on the table I had my laptop on, "Tyler Joseph, hmm?"

I nodded, "Pete!"

I heard wheels and then Pete's head popped out of his office, "What's up, Dun?"

"Stop watching My Little Pony and find this guy's accounts."

Pete turned red, "I'm not watching My Little Pony. Who am I looking up?"

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