5- "Well, It's a Very Dangerous Rubber Duck."

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The sandwich conversation is in honor of my conversation with Alycat1174. Whoop whoop!- ᗰᗩᖇᔕ

Tyler POV

Jenna, Brendon, Dallon, and I were getting something to eat from the base's enormous kitchen. For whatever reason, they had picnic tables arranged like a camp's cafeteria and a sky window. We all sat down and suddenly we hear a shriek of laughter.

I turned. Ryan and some ginger guy in a leather jacket and fedora was running towards us. Ryan was holding a stack of papers in his hands. He approached our table. "What is that?" Brendon asked.

"Who's that?" I motioned to the ginger headed man.

"I'm Patrick," The man put his hand out for a handshake. I shook it and nodded.

"I'm Tyler."

"So I've heard," Patrick smiled.

"Are you going to eat?" Jenna asked.

Ryan nodded, "This is a sandwich," he motioned to the stack of papers.

Melanie came to our table, setting a bowl of salad on the wood surface, "Are you high? Did Dallon spike your drink?" She shot a glare at Dallon.

Dallon shrugged innocently and shook his head. Ryan let out a laugh, "No, look. This is the bread, " he ruffled through the papers at the top of the stack.

"Patty's laptop," Ryan revealed a small laptop underneath the papers. "And the other piece of bread!" He ruffled the last of the papers.

Brendon shoved a fistful of fries into Ryan's mouth. "Shut up and eat. We have work to do."

Ryan rolled his eyes but nodded. He chewed the rest of the fries and almost choked trying to swallow them all down. (Whoops my mind just kinda....Yeah)

Jenna patted Ryan's back while he was almost dying from a coughing fit. Dallon smirked, "What's wrong, Ryan? Did Brendon make you choke?"

Melanie erupted into a fit of shrieking laughter, which earned some stares. Ryan started coughing more. Patrick and I clapped. Brendon snapped his attention to Dallon, "I swear to all that is Holy."

"Oh my gosh. Oh. My. Gosh," Melanie breathed. "I need to tell Al." she rushed over to another table. "ALYCIA! You will not believe what just happened."

A girl with golden brownish locks turned to Melanie. She had glasses and a blue hoodie with jeans, "What?"

"Okay so Brendon shoved a handful of fries into Ryan's mouth," She went on to tell the story of fries.

I turned to see Ryan recovered from his coughing fit and he and Patrick were eating. But I noticed Brendon had left. He was probably triggered by what Dallon had said or something.

After talking and eating for a few minutes, Brendon came back with a folder in his hand. "What is that?" Ryan imitated Brendon from earlier.

Brendon slapped the folder onto the table, "Josh's info."

He opened the folder and slid a photo over the table towards me, "Joshua William Dun," He stated.

I stared at the photo. It looked exactly like the Josh from my dreams, but the Josh from my dreams had red hair.

This Josh had yellow hair.

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