11- "Fine, But a Bit Tied Up."

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Jenna POV

The ride back to base was somber. Nobody said a word, but the message was crystal clear: We just lost Tyler Robert Joseph.

Melanie was driving, and Frank was in the back seat doing who knows what. I had my head against the window of the passenger seat, watching the skyline of Columbus, Ohio.

Melanie broke the thick silence filling the car, "It's not your fault, JenJen."

I turned to her, "It is."

"It is not. You didn't know they were planning a kill so soon."

"But I let Tyler go on his first mission with barely any training. I should've told Brendon to leave him at Base."

Frank piped up from the backseat, "Hey, Jenna, don't break your spine over it. If you chose Tyler, I have faith he'll probably work his way from inside enemy territory."

"Provided they don't kill him off," I said.

"They can't really do that," Melanie said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Tyler and Debby are their leverage against us. They've kept Debby alive-"

"But for how much longer?" I frowned. "It's been months, and we haven't really made a move to retrieve her."

Melanie set her jaw, "We're getting Tyler back. If it costs my last breath, then so be it."

Frank and I gaped at her. She was more affected by Tyler's capturing than I was. Melanie glanced at me before turning back to road. "We're going to plot this out, albeit slowly and carefully. We aren't just going to charge into their base and try to get Tyler back. We plan this out, and we'll have help from Pete."

"You guys," Frank gulped. "What if Brendon doesn't let us. He didn't really make a decision to save Debby. He really hasn't gotten to know Tyler, so he'll probably figure we're better off moving on and trying to get an agent to replace Tyler."

I shifted in my seat to look back at Frank, "You're probably right. What would we do then?"

We both looked at Melanie. She was about a few blocks down from Base, and we were behind Brendon's truck, so she slowed a bit and looked at us, "We'll have to do it without him."


Frank, Melanie, Patrick, Dallon, Brendon, Ryan, and I all walked into Base with grim faces. A girl with long dirty blonde hair and blue eyes ran over to Frank. I've seen her around base and with Frank a few times. She would claim she was "ugly as fuck" but I beg to differ. She looked great, and she had a great personality in general. Her shirt had "MCR" on it, and Frank looked at the letters before frowning a bit. (Aye )

From the looks of it, those letters had a secret meaning to them because Frank opened his arms for a hug, and the girl obliged. I smiled fondly at them, it was nice to see Frank hug someone, since from my knowledge, he didn't really hang out with anyone but a former agent by the name of Gerard Way.

But, he wasn't with us anymore.

I was pulled out my thoughts by a tap on my shoulder.(I'm having mixed emotions because I'm listening to Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon on loop and this song makes me feel like being a bitch and putting some huge drama in right now instead of later) I turned around and saw Patrick with a worried look on his face, "Alycia said that they had to get out some sleeping pills because some FBR Members attacked Base."

I frowned, "But why?"

Patrick shrugged, "Don't ask me, ask the FBR Members we captured."

I nodded, "Okay, I will."

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