7- "I Just Ooze Maturity."

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Tyler POV

It was half past eleven and Jenna was quite literally shoving everyone around, "Let's go!" Jenna shouted, tying a blindfold over my eyes.

"Alright, alright!" Melanie exclaimed, grabbing my shoulders and leading me to Brendon's vehicle.

Dallon had given me a quick review over how to use the weapons I was about to use. Melanie made sure my voice sounded convincing, and Brendon and Jenna made sure I knew what I was doing in general.

Our reason for being in such a frenzy and rush?

I'm about to go against my good looking enemy that I've been proven able to defeat.

The thing is, the agency doesn't want to kill Josh, just capture him. If we absolutely have to, we'll kill him.

Anyways, Melanie shoved me into the backseat of Brendon's - I suppose truck. Patrick, Ryan, Dallon, and Brandon soon joined me in the truck and we were off to wherever Josh was at.

After a few minutes, I felt Ryan pull the blindfold off of me, "Okay, here's the run down," Ryan said.

"You're going to go find Josh," Patrick continued. "Jenna and Dallon will be following, but in the shadows, so events won't go haywire because," Patrick faltered, sending a look towards Dallon.

Dallon mumbled something under his breath, "Josh hates me."

"Why?" I asked, because I was genuinely curious.

Ryan sent a warning glance towards me, and I could see Brendon slightly tighten his grip on the steering wheel. Patrick tried shrinking into himself, and Dallon's stare at the windshield hardened. Ryan hesitantly piped up, "Can we tell him?"

Dallon turned to look out the window, shrugging, "Sure, go ahead."

Ryan looked at me, "So, a while back, like four years ago when Dallon was a year long agent, and Josh was not yet an agent, Josh and Dallon were actually buddies because their parents were friends. Dallon was really close with Josh's sister Ashley. They were the best of friends and then Ashley decided to put that on the line."

Brendon decided to step in, "Ashley asked Dallon out. Dallon said no, because of the age difference, and he didn't want to ruin their friendship. Ashley was heartbroken and Josh, being Josh, decided to be nosy and step in. Ashley knew Josh would get mad, so she tried to tell Josh in the softest way possible why she was sad. Josh took her words out of context and thought Dallon cheated on Ashley. He got really angry and started threatening Dallon."

"It was bad," Patrick continued. "It got to the point where Josh almost hurt Dallon-"

"Don't sugarcoat it, Patrick," Dallon scoffed. He turned to me, "Josh almost killed me. He wouldn't listen to my side of the story, and Ashley tried clearing things up, but Josh wouldn't listen to her because he though she was just sticking up for me. "

I was speechless. Josh almost killed Dallon over probably one of the most stupidest things. "Yet you guys still let him become an agent?"

Dallon glared at Brandon, who smiled nervously, "He had the potential to become an excellent agent."

"Their relationship at base was tense," Brendon said.

I opened my mouth to say a sarcastic remark, but Ryan elbowed my left side, and Patrick elbowed my right side, seeing as I was in the middle.

And ow, I got elbowed on both sides at the same time.

"Ashley got really mad at Josh because he was being really hostile towards a close family friend, and Josh got even more mad at Dallon. Josh blamed Dallon for messing up his relationship with his sister," Brendon continued.

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