12- "Curiosity Didn't Kill the Tiger."

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Josh POV

I don't think I've ever wanted to disappear from thin air as much as I did after I defended Tyler. I mean, I did cover it up, as I do hide behind my mouth, but still. Gabby always thinks something, and I'm pretty sure Hayley and Jon just know.

But that's in the past, and there's nothing I can do about it.

So, after we left Taco Bell and Tyler and I suffered another one of Gabby's talks about the songs on the radio, we finally got back to Headquarters. Of course, Gabby had blindfolded Tyler beforehand. Gabby hopped out of my truck and opened the back door, getting Tyler out and leading him over to the secret entrance of Headquarters. I got out of my truck and followed, opening the doors for Gabby and Tyler. Once we were inside, Gabby slipped the blindfold off of Tyler and Tyler rubbed his eyes, getting used to the artificial light. Gabby checked her phone, "Hey, I got to go check inventory of the Wardrobe. See you guys around."

Gabby turned and left, leaving Tyler and I near the exit. "Y'know what?" I said, looking at Tyler.

He turned to me, "What?"

"I'm surprised you haven't turned around and tried to leave."

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, "Y'know what?"


"I don't know why I haven't, either."

I grinned and Tyler smiled. "Take me back to my room," he said.

"Such a demanding bottom," I muttered.

Tyler gasped, "I heard that! What makes you assume I'm a bottom!?"

I shrugged, "You just seem like a bottom."

Tyler scoffed, "Okay, just because I like being called 'Kitten' does not mean I'm a bottom."

My eyes widened. Did he just?

Tyler started laughing, "Oh my gosh, the look on your face!"

"Are you kinkshaming me?" I asked, starting to walk towards Tyler's room.

"No." Tyler started following me. "Just playing around. I honestly don't know if I have any kinks."

"Do you have any fetishes?"

"Aren't they the same thing?" Tyler asked.

"Not exactly."

"Well." Tyler hummed. "I don't know. Aren't you being a curious cat?"

I shrugged, "Curiosity is the new philosophy."

"Curiosity killed the cat," Tyler scolded.

"Curiosity didn't kill the tiger," I retorted.

Tyler shrugged, "Fair enough."

We were in front of Tyler's room. I turned to him, "It's almost ten. Get some sleep. Who knows what the fuck is going to happen tomorrow."

Tyler nodded and walked into his room. I locked the door behind him and made my way up to the offices. I was almost into my office when someone pulled the collar of my shirt back. I whipped around and saw -- Ashley. "What the fuck?" I spat.

"Ray, Taylor, and Jeremy are back, asshat," She snapped.

The fact that she called me a vile name seriously, when I'm technically above her in the FBR Association ladder, was enough to let me know she was top-of-the-line pissed. I followed her to one of the meeting rooms. Our Roofers, who are the people at the absolute top of the ladder, were already in there. In other words, Hayley, Gerard, and Jon were in there, along with Ray, Jeremy, and Taylor. Ashley slammed the door closed and locked it. She stomped over to her chair next to Hayley and sat down in it with a huff. I was calmer sitting down next to Jon, and Jon offered me a small smile before turning back to Gerard. He was at the head of the table. I guess he's the one in charge of this meeting.

Gerard looked at Ray, "So, what happened?"

Ray frowned a bit, "We did get the bomb hidden. On the exact coordinates you gave us. On our way out, we-" Ray paused. "We got caught. They have a new software to reinforce their base."

(Hey any smol beans there's alot of cussing and strong language coming up- just a warning)

Ashley groaned, "I fucking told you we shouldn't have let these dumbasses go."

On instinct, I looked Hayley, she had her head down and she was silent. I frowned, about to defend Ray, Taylor, and Jeremy, but Jon beat me to it. "Hey, Ashley, chill. If you weren't so busy fucking up an apartment building full of people's lives, you could've done this yourself."

Ashley scoffed, "Yeah? And where the fuck were you? Getting high off your ass?"

At this point, I expected Hayley to say something. Ashley was dissing her closest friends, after all. In spite of that, Hayley stayed silent. "Well excuse me, Queen Bitch. You aren't in charge of this place, so pardon me for waking you up with a bucket of cold water," Jon snapped.

Gerard looked ready to break up the fight. Taylor and Jeremy were also looking at Hayley, expecting her to say something. Ashley stood up, slamming her hands on the table, "Listen here, you motherfucker. You are not even a fucking Roofer. You are a peice of absolute fucking shit."

"Hey," I intervened. "Both of you stop."

"What the fuck, Dun?" Ashley snapped. "This doesn't involve you."

"Yes, it does," I growled. "And you'll have to fucking deal with it."

I turned to Jon, "Jon-"

"I don't have to fucking deal with shit."

I whipped around to Ashley. "Excuse me?"

"I don't have to deal with your shit, Dun."

"Bitch, I'm above you in this whole fucking food chain and I-"

"I don't know how the fuck you're above me," Ashley said. "You weren't even good enough for the agents. They were right, you're worthless."

I don't why that was the line that set me off. I could actually feel my blood boiling. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Gerard let Ray, Jeremy, and Taylor out of the room before closing the door and returning to the table. I stood up, "Alright, okay. I see how it is you cunt ass bitch."

Before I could continue, Ashley slapped me. My eyes narrowed, "You did not just fucking-"

"I did."

And, oh, did I want to slap that smirk off of her face. I was about to attack her before Hayley finally spoke up. "You guys." Her voice cracked, "Stop please."

Jon spoke up this time, "Oh look. Little Hayley is finally getting her shit together."

Hayley looked like she was going to burst into tears. (I feel so bad rn like for real) Jon kept taunting her, and in less than five minutes, everyone was at eachother's throats. We were all strangling and kicking and hitting, until it abruptly stopped.

The door had flung open, and it showed none other than the great and powerful- Tyler. His face was streaked with tears, and more kept flowing when he saw what was going on. I took a quick look around the room and saw Hayley had her hands around Jon's neck and also had tears streaming down her face. Jon was reciprocating the action, and he seemed to have a scowl etched on his face. Gerard and I were on top of Ashley, Gerard in the middle of kicking her and I was punching her. Ashley was going back and forth from kicking us to pulling at our hair.

I was now looking at Tyler, and I noticed he had cuts everywhere and his clothes were bloodstained. Once everyone's eyes were on him, he spoke up, "Debby and Pete are gone."

WhOA what was tHAt shitstorm?????! Did you guys like this chapter??? I'm kinda in a bad mood which is why the second half of the chapter was a lot of fighting and name calling. Sorry if this was a bad chapter, it gets better I promise. -Spooky Mars

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