13- "It's Not Your Problem if I Die"

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Tyler POV

You couldn't ask me what happened. I didn't know myself. One minute I'm ready to go act like I'm sleeping when I'm actually rethinking life decisions. The next, my door is flung open with a ragged breathing Pete and disheveled Debby. I shot off the bed and landed on the floor.

"Let's go," Debby breathed.

"Where?" I asked.

"Back to Base, where else?"

It took me exactly point-three seconds to decide something. I shook my head, "No, thank you."

Pete gaped at me, "Why not?"

"I'm working from inside enemy territory. Tell the agents I'm okay."

"Are you fucking serious?" Debby asked.

"Yes, I feel like I have a better chance working from inside enemy territory. Okay? It's not your problem if I die."

Pete sighed in defeat, "Fine, let's go, Debby."

Debby nodded, but her eyes stayed on me. I squirmed uncomfortably. Let me correct myself- Debby was glaring at me. "Debby, let's-" Pete never finished his sentence.

"Well, since it won't be my problem if you die."Debby lunged at me, dagger in hand.

I dodged, and rolled to the side. I started to stand up, when Debby lunged at me again, this time getting a few good, deep, long gashes on my arms and stomach. "Debby!" Pete exclaimed, trying to pry Debby off of me.

"You think Josh- the members are going to fucking spare you," Debby said between stabs and cuts.

I didn't miss that he centered on Josh before correcting herself, but I wasn't going to say anything.

Not like I could, anyway.

Back at Base, Dallon and I had figured out that I was better at disarming people than with actual combat. But then I kind of sort of forgot everything I learned at Base. As I was fumbling to remember how I would usually disarm someone while also dodging Debby's dagger and trying to fight back, Pete was still trying to get Debby to stop attacking me.

"Debby! What are you doing?" Pete shouted.

I finally came to my senses and kicked the dagger out of Debby's hand. She stumbled, and I scrambled to get the dagger before she retrieved it. I grabbed the dagger and I turned.


There were cuts everywhere on me. I was bruised and bloody and I didn't know if I could possibly win this fight. I looked at Debby, "What do you want from me?" I asked.

"That's not the question," Debby sneered. "The question is, "What do I want from Josh?'"

I gaped at her, "What did Josh do to you?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she lunged at me, this time with two daggers in her hands. I fought her, but like I said, I'm not that good at actual combat, so I came out with about three times more wounds than Debby.

To be honest, I didn't even know this much perseverance existed, much less that I had that much of it. I was somehow still fighting when about 60% was just bleeding. I willed myself not to look at my wounds, because I know I'd throw up looking at all the blood.

But oh my God, was I in pain. Debby kept attacking me, Pete kept trying to stop her, and I kept wondering when would it be The End. When suddenly, Debby stopped. I was breathing raggedly, and I could've sworn I saw The Light.

I was running out of oxygen, my breaths becoming shorter and shorter, when I saw Debby run out of the room, not a hint of sorrow on her face. Pete gave me a panicked look, before running out himself. I saw the tear streaks on his face, and I felt my own tears cascading down my cheeks. (I'm also listening to Truce help I'm gonna start crying)

With some renewed strength from who knows where, I went after them. God must've really been on my side because I was still able to run after them, and when I almost caught up to them, three figures appeared out of absolutely nowhere. I watched as Debby and Pete put up a fight, but a puny one at that. The three people took Debby and Pete to God knows where.

Everything finally hit me.

Including a panic attack.

If I didn't find somebody soon, I'd bleed out. I guess my adrenaline rush -or whatever it was- was over because I was getting light-headed pretty quickly from blood loss.

I stayed deadly silent, remembering that Josh said he learned his way around from the sounds of different places.

But I heard nothing.

"God dammit," I cursed.

I ran down another hallway leading away from my room and listened.


"There has to be someone here," I groaned.

I went down another two silent, long hallways before I heard yelling. I was relieved to hear humanity, but afraid to interrupt whatever was happening.

I took a deep breath -well, as deep of a breath I could take with my diminishing air supply- and decided this was a matter of life or death. I swung open the door and saw--

Josh, Hayley, Jon, Gerard, and the blue haired girl were all fighting. For whatever reason, seeing them all fighting got me crying, and it was then I realized I was crying the whole time trying to find someone.

They were all looking at me in shock, anger, confusion, or just plain out horror. I looked at Jon and Hayley, two people I knew were close friends within my few hours with them, with their hands around each other's throats. Hayley was pale, tears streaming down her face. Gerard and Josh, both looking horrified at my bloodied self, both attacking the blue hue. She was glaring daggers at me, and I was glad looks couldn't kill, because I'd be six feet under.

My head was throbbing, and I couldn't process anything except for the pain coursing through my body.

Josh was the first to start to try and get me. Jon followed. All I heard were muffled shouts and screams.

Screams and shouts?

Oh that's right, I'm bleeding out and falling to the floor.

There is an extremely bright light.

And then nothing.

xoxoxoxoxo- Satan

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