10- "I Will Bet You My Chalupa You Can Sing"

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Tyler POV

I let Gabby lead me to Josh's vehicle. I think it's a truck. What is it with people and trucks?


I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy to learn I'd be going to Taco Bell. It probably is a test to see how I behave, but who cares. I might as well try to be good so I can roam their base on my own. At some point, Gabby took the blindfold off of me, and I could see where we were.

I almost cried out.

We were in my old neighborhood. Y'know, where I used to live with my parents before I went to live on my own. I have to keep my mouth shut, though. I don't want my family getting dragged into this. Gabby started talking about how all the songs on the radio were about butts and didn't have any context. In a few minutes, we arrived at Taco Bell.

Oh no.

I hope Alex isn't working today.

Or I'm dead meat.

Gabby jumped out of the truck and bounded for the entrance of the Taco Bell. I went at a slower pace, and Josh stayed behind me. I realized other people already in the fast food restaurant in a big group, laughing and hitting each other. I entered the restaurant and did a quick sweep over.

And there he is.

Alexander William "Alex" Gaskarth.

Behind the cash register.

Trying to avoid eye contact with him, I went to follow Gabby. That was before I realized she was heading for the cash register. I halted, and pretended to be extremely interested in whatever news was on the tv.

"You look uncomfortable," I heard Josh's voice behind me. "What? You not like tacos?"

"No, I'm fine. I just-"

"Hey, Tyler! How have you been?

Dang it, Alex.

I turned to the register, a nervous smile on my face, "Hey.....Alex."

Gabby turned and looked at me. I could feel all of the FBR Members' eyes on me. Josh's were piercing into my skull, as was everyone else's. Alex gave me a warm smile, "So, how've you been."

I swallowed thickly, "I've been." I paused. "Great. Wake up fine and dandy every morning."

"These friends of yours?" Alex asks, and I finally noticed that Josh has walked up beside me.

Gabby sends a panicked look at everyone, Alex oblivious due to her back facing him.

A girl with bright red hair jumped down from her stool and slid into (their dms) the conversation, "Well, we are but this guy." she nudged Josh. "Is his boyfriend."

I choked on literally nothing and I could actually feel Josh tensing next to me. Alex raised an eyebrow, "I knew you came out as gay in eleventh grade, but damn. A boyfriend this soon. Didn't you just get out of college?"

I sighed, "Alex, I came out as bisexual, not gay. And-"

Gabby sent me a glare, probably knowing I was going to protest about Josh being my boyfriend. "-You don't have to act so shocked."

Very smooth, Tyler.

Alex shrugged, "How are your siblings?"

At this point, I had moved up to the cash register, "Last time I talked to them, they were fine. Haven't talked to them in a while though."

Alex hummed, taking two party boxes from one of his co-workers and handing it to Gabby. "How's Jack?" I asked, referring to Alex's boyfriend.

"He's doing pretty good. Got a job at Chipotle."

I snorted at how ironic that was, and I could hear the FBR Members also laughing. "Anyways," Alex continued. "You still have my number I assume?"

I nodded, even though I had no idea where my phone was. Alex nodded in acknowledgement, "Alright, I won't hold you up, have fun. Live mas," he winked and went back into the kitchens.

I smiled contently and turned, coming face to face with Josh. "Who was that?" Josh sounded very suspicious, if anything.

I shrugged, "A friend from high school, nothing to worry about. Hey, can I ask something?"


"Is Gabby your girlfriend?'

Josh paused seeming to consider his answer, "Um, no. I'm." Josh bit his lip. "I'm gay, but I mistaked it for bi."

I nodded and walked past Josh to a madly babbling Gabby, "I will bet my chalupa you can sing."

The man, know officially known as Jon, took a bite of a burrito, shrugging. Gabby gestured at the two stools next to her and she and the red haired girl started yelling at Jon again. Josh sat down in the second stool, leaving the one between him and Gabby empty. Unsure of any other options, I hesitantly sat in the empty seat.

The red haired girl handed me three tacos, each a different Dorito flavor. I unwrapped the original one first and I heard Josh ask, "Why are you guys fighting?"

Gabby replied, "Jon thinks he can't sing."

"All I said was I'd write a song about Taco Bell if I could sing. Then Hayley started going off on me."

The red haired girl nodded, seemingly unfazed by this and confirming herself as Hayley. I decided to peep up into the conversation, "I've written a song about Taco Bell."

Everyone at the table turned to stare at me. I took account of everyone I could.

Josh, Gabby, Hayley, Jon, Pete, the blue haired girl, and the albino, and a pale girl with blue streaks in her hair.

I felt like shrinking. I did not like all of their attention on me. Hayley leaned back in her stool to look at me, "You have?"

I nodded meekly, know looking down at my tacos. Gabby clapped, "Sing it!"

My head shot up, "No, absolutely not."

Then I remembered who I was with, "I mean, no thank you."

"Aw, c'mon please," Hayley said.

Jon, Gabby, Hayley, the Albino, and even Pete started to ask and whine about me singing.

"You guys," I heard - of all people - Josh sigh. "Let him be. He doesn't want to, he doesn't want to."

Hayley tsked, but went back to her taco. Jon rolled his eyes, Gabby shrugged helplessly, Pete raised an eyebrow, and the Albino decided to rebel. "Well, Josh, what are we going to do with him?"

Josh shrugged, "I don't know, Gerard. But we certainly shouldn't be arguing about whether an FBR agent is going to sing to us or not."

Gerard scoffed, "I guess."

I'll be the first to admit, I was shocked that Josh had defended me. I muttered a small thanks and Josh gave an acknowledging nod. I ate my tacos in silence, listening to the conversation around me.

This was a Filler Chapter. I just needed to get this chapter out so I could get to what's happening at the FBR Agency

~Spooky Mars

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