9- "I Will Hack Into Your Netflix Account and Delete It."

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Josh POV

I sighed as I closed the door to Tyler's room. It was kind of adorable how little he knew about the FBR Agency. I passed Gerard on my way to my office. "Hey," Gerard said.

Thankfully, he wasn't drunk. Pete smacked him upside the head whenever he got near alcohol at the party, "Yeah, Gee?"

"Are you okay? You seem a bit down."

No way was I going to tell him about my conversation with Tyler. He would claim I'm going soft, and would think I'm siding with the agents. "I'm fine," I lied.

Gerard gave me this look that told me he didn't believe me, but he didn't question my answer, "The Gang and some others are going to Taco Bell in a bit. You want to come?"

I nodded, "Why not?"

"You might want to consider bringing Debby, and maybe Tyler. Debby's getting a bit too pale, and it might be Tyler's last time seeing the sun."

"Damn, you act like we're going to kill him."

"Well we might if we have to."

"Anyways," I changed the subject. "We can bring them, but keep Debby away from me."

"And Tyler?"

"Let him be. We'll see how he acts. Just keep an eye on him."

"His first test?" Gerard questioned.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Alright, see you later," Gerard headed down another hallway.

I shuffled down the hallways leading to my room. I had just sat down on the small sofa when I heard a knock on my door, "Who knocks on your door at four in the afternoon?" I groaned before opening the door.

No other than my best friends Hayley Williams and Jon Bellion appear on my doorway. I gave them a small smile, "What's up?"

Hayley started off with, "Ashley drugged Jon with the FBR. I gave him the antidote so that's-"

"Why I was acting stupid," Jon cut her off.

I shrugged, "Apology accepted."

Did I forget to mention that here at the FBR Association, we create our own drugs?

Hayley walked into my room, heading directly for my pantry in the small kitchen, "I honestly don't see why we have small kitchens in our rooms," she pulled out a box of Rice Crispies and headed to my fridge. "We have a cafeteria thingy and a huge ass kitchen too."

Jon pulled bowls out of my cabinet and spoons out the drawer while I closed the door, "Hayley, do you really think if we wake up at 1 a.m. for a midnight snack we're going to walk all the way toward that big ass kitchen?" Jon said.

"Yes, because if it was a midnight snack, you wouldn't be waking up at 1 a.m."

I shook my head as Hayley put the box of cereal and the milk away, "You two have the weirdest conversations."

"So what?" Hayley said, handing me a bowl of cereal.

"I'd rather not listen to them before I eat."

Jon shrugged, "Anyways," he said with his mouth full. "What were you and T.J. talking about?"

"Don't talk with your mouth full, you slob," Hayley hit Jon upside the head.

Hayley then turned to me, "What did you talk to Tyler about?"

I shrugged, "The Basics," I lied.

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