Oh Baby!

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Geoff woke up from his deep sleep to somebody banging on his door. He groaned and walked downstairs to the door.

"Hello?" Geoff asked at the door.

No answer.

"What do you want?" Geoff asked opening the door.

There was no one there. Nobody.

"Fucking asshole," Geoff said slamming the door.

Geoff was walking up the stairs when he heard faint crying. Geoff went to go investigate. He silently tip toed to the door and he heard a creak in the floor boards. He turned around and Jack was there.

"God damn Jack! You scared the shit out of me!" Geoff sighed.

"What are you doing? I heard a slam then crying," Jack said.

"I dunno! Someone knocked I answered and there was nobody there!" Geoff exclaimed.

"Did you look down?" Jack asked.

"What do you mean?" Geoff asked.

Jack opened the door and looked down. Sitting on their doorstep was a tiny little baby crying from fear.

"What is that?" Geoff asked poking his head over Jack's shoulder.

"It's a baby. Why would someone leave it here?" Jack asked picking up the tiny child and bringing it inside.

"Hey look here's a note!" Geoff exclaimed picking up the note.

To whom it may concern,

I cannot take care of this child anymore. I am very ill and I have no help. Please take care of my baby. His name is Ryan Haywood.


Ryan's Mother

"Man that's depressing," Geoff said.

"Yeah it is, so what're are we gonna do with him," Jack asked.

"I say as her dying wish we keep him. You okay with that?" Geoff asked.

"I'm alright with," Jack said.

Geoff picked up the baby Ryan and said, "Welcome to your new home Ryan."


So this is my new story!

I wanted a new story and I have fallen in love with the baby AU. It's so cute!

So I will post more if people like this story. If you don't, I'm still gonna do it anyways.

So that's all for now!


P.S (Posting the next two chappies tonight. Introductions guys! XP)

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