Super Glue

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Each of the boys had their own 'special' characteristics. Gavin's, was well, being Gavin. Any time someone would question Gavin, and his intelligence Jack and Geoff would laugh it off and walk away. Gavin was always pretty special, including the times he got lost in the mall or getting into places he couldn't get out of.

Today Gavin super glued his hand to the swings outside their house.

"Gavin! How in the world did you even do this!?" Jack yelled.

Gavin shrugged and contiued pulling his hand.

"Gavvy's stuck! Can we get em' off?" Ray asked panicing slightly.

"Of course Ray. Michael why don't you and Ray go inside and play," Geoff sighed.

"Kay Geoff!" Michael sqealed running inside with Ray.

Jack looked to Ryan, who he expected an explanation from.

"Michael gave him super glue to fix a toy. After he fixed it Ray said the swing was broken so Gavin thought he could fix it with super glue. That's were that plan went," Ryan said pointing to Gavin.

"Gavin, you better be happy we still have the glue remover, but since you did this you can't play for the rest of the day," Jack said.

Geoff rolled his eyes. Jack never went through with his punishments. Who could blame him though? As troublesome as these kids were, they were still adorable. It was impossible to make them sad and not do anything about it.

As Geoff walked into the living room he was greeted by three troubled faces and a broken vase.

"Hey Jack!'


"Bring me that glue!'

Gavin wasn't right, glue doesn't fix everything, but it still does fix some things.


Heya Guys!

So I personally loved this chapter1

Too adorabes!

Anyways, ever have that problem when you knoow exactly how the boks gonna end, but you don't wanna write the plot leading up to it?

I'm having problem.

That's all fo' now.


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